Chapter 23

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Due to Chariot getting knocked out the jets that she sent were forced to return back to the carrier with the Modern Shipgirls managing to follow Chariot's jets to her carrier with the shipgirl towing it back to the base with some of the Manjuu's repairing the base after the attack

As for Chariot she was taken into the Hospital along with Enterprise(who lost consciousness) due to there wounds opening again after the fight

3 Days Later

At the Hospital

We could see Enterprise slowly waking up and as she done this she saw Yorktown, Hornet, and Nimitz waiting for her to wake up

Enterprise: Ughh my head

Hornet: Sister!

and then Hornet immediately hugs her sister with Yorktown telling her to calm down since Enterprise is trying to breath for air, to which Hornet stops hugging Enterprise and apologizes

Nimitz: So how are you Ms. Enterprise?

Enterprise: I'm feeling alright but I think I lost one of my arms if I'm correct?

Yorktown: C-Correct, but are you-

Enterprise: I'm going to manage but where is Essex?

Nimitz: Well I have two news, the bad and the good, which one do you want to hear first?

Enterprise: The Good one

Nimitz: Okay so the good news is you managed to return Essex's memories

Enterprise: And the bad news is?

Nimitz: About that-

Outside the Hospital room where Essex is

We could see Intrepid and her sisters trying to open the door to Essex's room as she locked it

Intrepid: Sister please open this door!


inside the room we could see Essex curling herself in a ball and was crying as she is starting to question what she really is, A Shipgirl that has 4 sister and who Idolizes Enterprise or A Siren that has 5 sisters with she flirting with one of them and the one who almost killed Enterprise

Because of this she could feel her head splitting into two as she is confused on what she has to do and how will she proceed

and then suddenly someone opened the door even thou she locked it, forcing her to summon her siren riggings and aims it at the the person attempting to enter the room

as the door opens Essex saw the person that opened the door was Enterprise 

Enterprise: Essex calm down okay?

Essex: E-Enterprise-senpai, No please leave the room I-I don't want to talk to anyone

Enterprise: I know you're afraid Essex, but please let's talk this out-

Essex: I-I almost killed you, including my sisters and the others, I-I don't want to hurt anyone again please don't come closer, o-or else I'll hurt you

As for Enterprise, she didn't listen to her and took one step closer to her with Essex charging her siren rigging's cannons

Essex: I-I'm serious, I'll hurt you if you come close senpai!

But Enterprise didn't listen and slowly goes closer to Essex, Essex trying to pull the trigger but she can't, seeing her senpai losing an arm is already hurting her 

and from there Enterprise hugs Essex, with Essex starting to cry with her siren riggings disappearing

Essex: I'm sorry, I'm sorry!

Enterprise: Shh It's okay now Essex, let it all out

and from there Essex kept crying, with Intrepid and her sister witnessing it, with Intrepid being amazed on how bravely Enterprise come close to her big sis to save her

To be continued

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