Chapter 29

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A few meters away from Pearl Harbor

At Essex and Nimitz side

We could see there Jets, with Melissa and Hanna's Jets at there side as they head to two Clavary Class Carrier's that were controlled by terrorists

And then someone spoke in Essex's Radio

Chariot this is Empress, do hear me?!

Essex: I hear you loud and clear Empress, don't worry we are now intercepting the-

Essex: Are you out of your mind, there were jets on those carriers when they got stolen!

Essex: Oh sh-

And then Nimitz spoke in the radio

Nimitz: We 8 boggies heading to intercept us 10 o clock!

And then Melissa spoke at the radio

Melissa: There are also 8 more boogies 5 o clock, orders Lady Chariot

Essex: Goddamit, Empress III I'm going to need some reinforcement's will do our best to stall them until reinforcements came

Empress III: Very well then, stay alive

Essex: I will

As she ended the call, she spoke to Nimitz and the others

Essex: Alright listen up, Nimitz, Melissa, you guys engage our enemies at 10 o clock, while me and Hanna will handle those who are at 5 o clock, after we engage them let's try to bomb there carriers at least, are we all clear?

Nimitz, Hanna, Melissa: Yes Ma'am!

And so Essex and Hanna's jet seperated from Nimitz and Melissa's

And as they done this the two groups started to engage the enemy jets

Although the pilot in those jets are weak, Essex and the others didn't get confident as they might pull something unexpected to them

As they almost finish off all of the enemy jets, more enemy jets came and they started to appear at all directions

And so Essex tells everyone a brilliant plane to take them down since they are slowly losing ammo due to the fight eailier, to which the the others agree

And so they made some of there enemy jets crashed on each other since Essex knew that these pilots are poorly trained

And so as there enemies decreased until there are no more jets in the air they headed to the two enemy carriers and they prepared to fire there missiles

As they are in the desired range, they fire there missiles at the two carrier

But even the terrorist pilots are poorly trained it seems that they are good in defense as the CIWS and Air to air missile defenses in the carriera had managed to take down there missiles

As they saw this they headed to air once again as the enemy carriers are preparing to launch another squadron of jets to intercept them

And as this happened they engaged into another dogfight where Hanna and Melissa's jet were shot down due to they ran out of ammo, but luckily they ejected from there jets and landed safely on the water

But with this happening the enemy jets are now close on hitting her and Nimitz's jet

And then after a few minutes help has finally arrived

To be continued

Next Chapter: Chapter 30(Final Battle and Epilogue)

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