Chapter 25

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At the Town close to the Azur Lane HQ

We could see Essex, wearing Casual Clothing(Check Chapter 14 for what she is wearing looks like) and was waiting for Nimitz at the entrance of the town close to the Azur Lane HQ

And then she heard Nimitz's voice 

"Sorry for the wait Essex it took me awhile to chose what clothing I wanted to wear"

and as Essex turned around to see Nimitz, she breath was caught in surprise due to how beautiful Nimitz is at the casual clothes she is wearing:

and as Essex turned around to see Nimitz, she breath was caught in surprise due to how beautiful Nimitz is at the casual clothes she is wearing:

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(Imagine Nimitz wearing it and was also carrying a small bag)

Essex: W-Wow you look very beautiful wearing that Ms. Nimitz

Nimitz: *Cheeks got red* T-Thank you, my sisters help me choose this

Essex: With that aside shall we begin our date

Nimitz: Very Well then

and so the two entered the town, and from there the two spend some time by looking at the library, where Nimitz saw a book that took her interest with Essex paying for the book that Nimitz wanted

and then the two go to a arcade and started to play different games, where the two had a lot of fun 

And then the two went into a restaurant since Nimitz stomach growled, causing Essex to laugh a little and making Nimitz embarrassed 

As they found a restaurant to eat Essex and Nimitz started to order there food and while they are waiting for it, they started to talk about different topics which made Essex and Nimitz laugh and chuckle, depending on the topic they are talking, giving them both a good time

And as there order came the two started to eat, with Nimitz, being the first one to finish eating and started to read the book that Essex buy for her

As Essex finished eating her food she noticed Nimitz is very focus at the book she is reading, with a smile on her face, probably the plot at the book she is reading might be interesting

and then Essex turns her head around and saw a little stage with a piano there and so Essex decided to go there, with the owner of the restaurant and some waiters helped her so she could sing there

and after Essex adjust the mic, she started to play the keys with the people in the restaurant, Especially Nimitz looking at her and from there she started to play a song:

(Imagine Essex playing the piano and was singing this)

As Nimitz saw Essex singing beautifully, her heart started to beat faster, with her face getting red since Essex is singing for her, to get her attention, she must've been so focus on reading the book and she forgot she is with Essex

As Essex finished the song, everyone in the restaurant clapped there hands at Essex's performance, with Nimitz putting the book aside in her small bag and then grabs Essex hand and goes out of the restaurant

and then Nimitz dragged Essex in a alleyway with Essex getting confused on what is she doing, and then Nimitz made a move that Essex didn't expected

Nimitz kissed her in the lips, and from there the two entered into heated kiss, with Essex holding Nimitz waist deepen there kiss

and then the two stopped the kiss due to the two need some air with Nimitz face getting very red at what she had just did, causing Essex to smirk

Essex: Feeling honest aren't we *chuckles*

Nimitz: BAKA!

and then Nimitz hugged Essex and from there Nimitz spoke

Nimitz: I love you, Essex

Essex: I love you to, Nimitz

and then the two headed back to Azur Lane HQ while holding hands

unknown to them, Empress III was watching them from afar and was starting to get jealous

Empress III: Damn it Chariot

To be continued

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