Chapter 9

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Meters away from Intrepid and Bush's fleet

We could see Nimitz on her ship at its top speed with shipgirls on there riggings following Nimitz

And then we could see Nimitz's uniform transforming into a Jet pilot's uniform and then Nimitz climbed in a F-14 Jet and started taking off with 6 F-18 Super Hornet's following

Nimitz: Please sister, be safe, Big sis is coming

At Intrepid and Bush's fleet

We could see Hammann, Helena, and Long Island on Arizona's ship as they got hit by missile and were forced to retreat, Because of this Dewey and Kidd stayed close to Arizona's ship as it was vulnerable to missile attacks

As for Bush we could see her on her ship launching some decoy flares to the sky as missile from one of the Siren Jets are heading to her ship

As the Missile attack was repelled Bush sends 10 F-18 Super Hornets to intercept them with Intrepid being bait for Bush's jets to target the siren jets that were heading to her

But Bush's problem is Raven's Jets as she manage to take town 7 of her jets already with Raven's Squad loosing 2 jets only

Bush: *Calls Intrepid in the radio* Intrepid tell everyone to fall back I'll handle them

Intrepid: But-

Bush: No buts go-

and then suddenly a missile was about to hit Bush directly making everyone scream her name

until A F-14 Jet deploys some Flare decoys so the missile could change course

and then someone spoke at Bush's Radio

Nimitz: Are you alright sister?

Bush: Nimitz, I'm fine thanks you for saving me!

Nimitz: You're welcome, Regroup with the others, Me and my squadron will handle this

Bush: Roger

and then Bush regroups with the others by summoning her ship riggings

Nimitz: With her safe, Let's Finish this-

and then suddenly a hologram revealing Raven's face

Raven: We meet again Nimitz

Nimitz: You Bitch you tried to hurt my sister to lure me out didn't you?!?!

Raven: Huh?, I was just only following order, but now your here let's continue were we left off shall we?

Nimitz: Sure, I'll take you down!

and then the Hologram closes and from there the aerial battle started

At Raven's Jet

We could Raven smiling as she will face Nimitz once again and then she received a notification from Empress III, and as she reads it then contacted Melissa and Hanna on there Jets

Raven: Melissa, Hanna head back to my Carrier, The Calvary-Class Aircraft Carriers are heading her to support us, I want you two to be safe okay, tell this to the others

Hanna: Roger that

Melissa: Yes ma-

and then suddenly a missile hits the right wing of Melissa's jet shocking Raven and Hanna and then they saw Gerald's Jets tailing them

Melissa: I'm Alive!, my jet got hit, I'll eject!

Raven: Okay then I'll try to pick you up later!

and then Melissa pulls a pin to eject form her jet and successfully landed on the water

As Raven saw this she continue to engage Nimitz Squad with Hanna retreating with the others

As Time passed, Raven noticed that Nimitz is only focused on her jet, Because of this Raven autopilots her jet and spoke

Raven: Warp 

and then she disappeared and appeared close to Melissa to save her from getting captured by Azur Lane shipgirls

To be continued

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