Chapter 21

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Chariot: Interesting?, Code G gave you her power so you could fight me*makes a fighting stance* then let's see how'll you use it!

and then within a blink of an eye Chariot closes her distance to Enterprise and was about to use both of her spears until she got teleported in the roof top with Enterprise behind her firing a lot of yellow arrows at her in surprising speeds

As Chariot saw this she uses her spears to deflect them but as she does this she notices a thing that shocks her

her spear are cracking

Chariot: Damn it, It seems Code G gave to much power to her, All Jet's Launch from Carrier!

and at Chariot's ship all of the F-18 Jets, F-14 Jets, and A-10's started to leave the carrier and started to attack Azur Lane Base with the PHD(Pearl Harbor Defenses) and Shipgirls doing everything they can to stop them from destroying the base

but some of Chariot's planes managed to pass the defense and started to launch barrages of bullets and missile at the base but luckily Dr. Daniel and other human personnel managed to get away to safety

And then an A-10 manages to see Enterprise and launches a missile to hit her, only for Enterprise to fire a arrow to destroy it and another on at the A-10

But this give Chariot some time to Hit Enterprise at her wisdom cube by using one of her spears, only for it to break as the arrow that destroyed the A-10 unexpectedly aimed itself at the spear.

and with this happening Chariot backs away

Chariot: Controlling your arrows after they destroyed there target not bad, then I'll give you a quick death *prepares a throwing stance as her remaining spear shines brightly* Gae Bolg!

and then she throwed the spear aimed at Enterprise's wisdom cube, while Enterprise fired a shining golden arrow at the incoming spear causing a the two shining projectiles to collide, creating binding light that forced Enterprise to cover her eyes

and then after a few second the light disappeared with the spear and arrow reduced to nothingness but Chariot isn't at her previous place anymore

as Enterprise saw this she was about to dodge an kick that came from Chariot who uses the blinding light to her advantage to get close to Enterprise and to disarm her, but fails as Chariot's kicks was fast

and the Chariot started to punch and kick Enterprise, but even Chariot uses her full strength and speed Enterprise won't drop her bow, irritating her a little, which give Enterprise just enough time to atleast hit Chariot with one punch in the stomach, sending Chariot into a hangar, destroying the roof in the process

and from there Enterprise spoke

Enterprise: What's the matter Arbiter VII, You managed to injure me once but why can't you do it again, holding back against me as if I'm your senpai?

As Chariot suddenly heard the word senpai, an unknown memory surface into her mind causing her to get a headache a little 

Chariot: D-Damn you got me that good huh, Empress convinced me time over time for me to use my siren rigging but I always turn it down because I was afraid of something I don't know but since your an exception *eyes glowed* I. Won't. Hold. Back. 

And from there Chariot manifested her rigging for the first time of her life:

(Don't mind the person wearing it, Imagine it was Chariot using the rigging and spears)

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(Don't mind the person wearing it, Imagine it was Chariot using the rigging and spears)

and from there true fight has began

To be continued

Arbiter: VII, The Chariot (A Azur Lane Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now