Chapter 17

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Quick question who do you want to be Chariot's love interest here?

1. Empress III

2. Nimitz


3. Both of them

Vote by commenting I'll be waiting for your response

Now back to the story!

At Azur Lane HQ

Interrogation room

We could see Hanna with her hands and feet cuffed sitting on chair with the table

at the other side of the table was Duncan who is going to interrogate Hanna for info about The Sirens next plan, especially Chariot's whereabouts

Outside the room was Nimitz and Enterprise(Who is awake and could now walk but still needed some shipgirls to escort her as her permanent injury)

Nimitz: Do you think we could get info with her here

Enterprise: . . .

Nimitz: Ms. Enterprise?

Enterprise: I'm a failure

Nimitz: Ms. Enterprise?!

Enterprise: I-I abandoned Essex back then and now I made her my- no our enemy-

Nimitz: Ms. Enterprise please we aren't still sure if Dr. Daniel's statement is true so please have some faith that it isn't really her 

and then two shipgirls came to escort Enterprise out of the room

Nimitz: Please rest Ms. Enterprise 

and then the two shipgirls escort Enterprise out of the room 

A few hours later

Since Hanna won't give any information about the sirens move she was taken to a room with 4 shipgirls guarding that room incase she escapes with some of her things returned to her except for the diary since it might contain important information

After a few hours of hacking into the diary since it appears to be high tech they managed to open it and summons some of the shipgirls to help them figure out what is the sirens plan

The Next Day

At the Meeting room

We could see Nimitz, Gerald, Intrepid and her sisters, Enterprise, and some Azur Lane and Modern Shipgirls at the meeting room with Dr. Daniel appearing before them

Dr. Daniel: Good Morning Ladies, Thank you for all coming here 

Bunker Hill: Why are we here?

Dr. Daniel: Your here to help us figure out the sirens next plan by looking to the siren diary that we confiscated from the siren that Ms. Roosevelt 

Shangri-La: Diary?

Dr. Daniel: Apparently the diary is made of siren tech that records memories 

Nimitz: I see

Dr. Daniel: Let's start then

and then Dr. Daniel presses a button and then a huge screen appears and started to show Hanna's perspective months ago before they attacked Pearl Harbor and was piloting a Siren version of a F-18 Super Hornet Jet


We could see Hanna checking the controls of her jet as she started to take off with 4 more jets flying with her in the Sahara Desert

Hanna: This is Hanna Callsign "Hawk" do you copy "Magpie"?

Melissa: This is Melissa Callsign "Magpie" I copy you "Hawk" 

Hanna: I see, "Crane", "Owl", and "Sparrow" do you copy?

Owl: Loud and clear "Hawk"

Crane: I hear you "Hawk"

Sparrow: We could all hear you "Hawk" by the way why are we here?

and then someone spoke in there radio

"Because of me"

Melissa: Ms. Chariot!

Chariot: Good Morning Aviators This is Arbiter VII: Chariot Callsign "Raven" and your teacher, Today's lesson is Dogfighting, the rules here are no missiles and no guns, your mission is to put me out of play before I put you all out of play, Since you are all using a F-18 Jet, I'll be using one to to make it fair your training begins now

Owl: The Question is where is she I can't see her in my radar

Sparrow: Same He-

and then a F-18 Jet passed between Owl's Jet and Sparrow's Jet

Owl: Oh Crap!

Sparrow: What the hell!

Hanna: Everyone scram and try to put her out of play

All: Roger!

To be continued

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