Chapter 30(Final Battle and Epilogue)

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As help came the tides of the battle has changed as The jets that had taken off from the Azur Lane base are now engaging the enemy jets and one by one the enemy jets fall into the sky, with the pilot's controlling them also dying as they wern't trained on how to eject

And soon The 2 Enemy Carriers ran out of jets to sent to take care of Essex and the other jets, they were forced retreat while they are trying to find a way to escape from them

And from ther there counter attack began with Nimitz taking some of the jets to handle the 1st enemy carrier, while she'll handle the 2nd carrier

And so there assult begin with the, terrorist trying there best to defend themselves

But as time pass they started to ram out of ammo and air to air missile to defend themselves, causing them to get by some missile's, killing some of the terrorists and damaging the ship

And so Essex and the others continued there assault until the carriers started listing to port causing the remaining terrorists to the water to save there own lives

That was until one of the sinking carriers launched a huge missile

Essex: Uh, Empress What is the carrier launching?!

Empress III: Shit thats a nuclear missile, it was supposed to be one of the secret weapons that the Calvary Class should have, but I scapped the idea after the terrorists stole the two prototypes containing them!

Nimitz: We got to take it down at the air since it might pollute the ocean if we take it down now

Essex: I'll shoot it down then

And then the missile headed towards the sky and was heading to the Azur Lane HQ

As the missile is heading there Essex manages to use the last the fuel in the jet and fires all of the missile left, before she ejects from the jet as it starts to fall

And as the missile hit the Nuclear Missile in the air, it created a huge explosion that put the clouds away with Essex being pushed down quicker to the ocean as her parachute was destroyed after she pulled it at the right time

But luckily as Essex pilot chair sank at the ocean she unbuckles the seat belt and managed to float back to breathe some

With the crisis prevented, Peace has been finally achieved


At a Hangar

We could see Essex fixing a Grumman TBF Avenger with Nimitz helping her

And while they are fixing it, Empress III, who was wearing casual clothing  appeared holding a tray that has biscuits and glass cuos filled with Juice

It time to take a break now, Essex, Nimitz

Essex: Oh thank you for the food Empress

Nimitz: Yeah, you just came here in the right time

Empress: Why's that?

Nimitz: We just finished fixing this plane, and since three people could fit here, Essex will take us for a little fly in the air

Empress: Oh how nice of you, Essex

Essex: Anything for my girlfriend after all

And then the three chuckled and started to eat the food that Empress prepared

And then after they eat, they boarded the plane with Essex controlling and then take off with the sun setting

The end

Thank you guys for reading this story until the very end now that this was finish, I could now start making Admiral Hipper's story see you guys there!!!

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