Chapter 19

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As the shipgirls of Azur Lane finally believed that Chariot is Essex, many were glad for a moment that she is alive, but now they have to face her as there enemy

With thus all said they continue to watch

Chariot: It seems you've waited for me

Hanna: May I ask a queation Ms. Chariot?

Chariot: Sure, what is it?

Hanna: Can I have a talk with the Empress?

Chariot: Why is that Hanna?

Hanna: I just wanted to ask something, but since you are the closest to person to her, I went to ask, Ms. Chariot

Chariot: Hmm, I'll check if she is free today so in the meantime do thing you and the others wanted to do

Hanna: Yes Ma'am

And so Hanna head to where Melissa and the others are

As this happens the screen turns grey as it skips a few hours


A few hours later

We could see Chariot escorting Hanna to the room where the Empress is as Empress granted Hanna's request to talk to her

As hariot and Hanna stopped walking as they are in front of two huge doors leading to the Empress's room

Chariot: This is far as I could go for now, good luck

And then Chariot left Hanna as Hanna opens the door

As Hanna opens the door she saw The Empress sitting in the chair of her desk

Empress: I assume you are the one who requeated my attention

Hanna: Yes Empress, fogive me incase I interrupted something important

Empress: You didn't interrupt me, so don't worry little one, so what would you want to talk about?

Hanna: About Ms. Chariot, Empress

Empress: What about my sister?

Hanna: Why does she looked like USS Essex from Azur Lane?

Empress: . . . I see so you have noticed, Though I made sure no one would notice that, you perhaps are different like the others

Hanna: So she is really-

Empress: She is, but she is not at the same time

Hanna: What do you mean?

Empress: First of all I'll explain to you about our origin, Years ago we were made by the U.S Government as white cubes from meteors fell from the sky

I have 22 sisters and each one of us has a specific power, and each day we mastered and learn to improve it

But the Government decided to kill us due to they think we will rebel against them

Only 7 of my sisters including me and the other siren humanoids that they made tried to escape the facility, but Chariot sacrificed her self by operating a F-14 that was in the area to make us all escape with her getting captured in the process in critical but alive condition

Hanna: And they erased her memories and gave her the name USS Essex

Empress: Correct but one day, The grey ghost became so obssessed with ending our kind, acidentally forgots Essex and because of this she was in a dying state at the process

As the grey ghost left I saved her life and blocked her memories that she spent in Azur lane to make her return to us, and thats how we get here today

As Hanna heard all of this she became speechless for a second and then she spoke

Hanna: But what will happen if she remembers the memories she had as Essex, Empress?

Empress: Then I suppose I'll let her decided whice side she'll join

Hanna: I-I see

Empress: But now you know the truth, promise me you won't tell anything we spoke here to Chariot and your comrades, do you understand, Hanna?

Hanna: Yes Empress


As she said this the screen turned black meaning the log ended

Daniel: I think we'll stop from here, you may all take a break before we watch, The siren humanoids next log

As he said this everyone left the room and headed to the cafeteria to take there break

To be continued

(So if any of you guys noticed I'm not updating recently, thats because our internet is acting like a shit and because of this I can't update my stories

Right now I'm using data and I'll try my best to update at least one story for now thats all see you guys)

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