Chapter 5

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As Nimitz says that they were under attack the 15 Siren Jets started attacking the Modern Shipgirls ships by firing there missiles at them but the Modern Ships defenses activated to protect the ship causing the missile fired by the Siren Jets to explode before they could reach there target

But some of the missiles manages to pass the defense, damaging the Modern shipgirls ships with the siren jets using the machine guns to damage the ship further

While some of the Modern Shipgirl manages to summon there rigging since they are close to there ship when the attack happens

And now we could see Cleveland and Nimitz running to there ships to summon there rigging with Cleveland heading to another direction as that is where her ship is

And then we could see one siren jet firing its Gatling gun at Nimitz


But luckily Nimitz dropped on the floor to avoid the bullets as the jet left, and from there Nimitz quickly enters her ship and command's it to move while her clothes changed into a Jet Pilot uniform with a F-14 Tomcat being prepared at Nimitz flight deck

Back when Nimitz is still a ship she would watch the pilot at her ship operates these jets and she wanted to try them so bad, but the jets were decommissioned and were Replaced by F-18 Super Hornets, They were good but The F-14 is still better and faster in her opinion

And so when she became a shipgirl she order 20 F-14 Tomcats and threatens the High command that she will not help them if her request wasn't granted, forcing the government to gave what she asked and with training she managed to learn how to operate the jet fully

And then Nimitz heads outside and started to board The F-14 and then she started to take off from her carrier with 2 F-14 and 2 F-18 Jets taking off from Nimitz ship to help her

as this happens they formed an Arrow formation with Nimitz at the center and from there Nimitz contacted the Flying jets from there side who managed to take off and were currently fighting the siren jets

Nimitz: This is USS Nimitz, Callsign: Old Salt , anyone who could hear this follow head close to my squad

as she said this 10 Jets started to join her squad

"This is Pilot Callsign: Punisher I'm leading 4 jets as my squadron"

"This is Pilot Callsign: Skyfall I'm leading 4 jets as my squadron"

"What are your orders Old Salt"

Nimitz:  Were going to take this battle to the skies follow me


and then Nimitz's jet done this with the jets on her side following her:

As the Sirens operating the jets saw this some of the them followed Nimitz Squad into the skies

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As the Sirens operating the jets saw this some of the them followed Nimitz Squad into the skies

As the there jets headed to the skies they were suddenly ambushed by the jets led by Nimitz causing some of them to split up and scatter with some getting shot down due to the ambush

The Aerial warfare in Pear Harbor has begun

To be continued

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