Chapter 7

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As the smoke disappears we could see Nimitz's Jet fine with The Raven's Jet chasing hers 

You wonder how Nimitz survives from the attack right, well as the Missile from Ravens jet is about to get close to Nimitz jets, Nimitz does the aileron roll, an aerobatic maneuver in which an aircraft does a full 360° revolution about its longitudinal axis. while she is doing this, she launched some flares so the missile won't target her jet, keeping her safe

(I know It's impossible to do that in real life scenario but please for the sake of the plot bear with it)

As Nimitz done this, The Raven spoke

"Impressive you're done a impossible move to save yourself, you took my interest now Old Salt"

Nimitz: Is that a compliment

"Yes it is"

Nimitz: Hah do you think that would make me flatter Raven?

"It should be because I could see your beautiful face from my jet, It will be best if I also show my face to you right to be fair"

Nimitz: *Eyes widen* What do you-

and then a hologram was shown in front of Nimitz, and from there she saw The Raven's face

Raven's Hair is white as snow and her eyes were crimson red and she was wearing a mask:

Raven's Hair is white as snow and her eyes were crimson red and she was wearing a mask:

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(Imagine it was Raven wearing this and replace the shining color with the color red)

As Nimitz saw her she can't utter a single word due to her beauty

Raven: Ara, Ara~ it seem you got lost in a trance, Is it because I'm that beautiful?

Nimitz: *Thoughts* T-This Woman,  is she trying to flirt with me during our battle?! *End thoughts* 

and then Nimitz's jet detected that she'll crash into to water if she didn't take action, As Nimitz saw this she hold the lever controlling her jet and makes it go up giving her a sigh of relief and then she turns on the auto pilot of the jet and then Raven spoke

Raven: Hmm my trick failed

Nimitz: You Motherfucker, I almost crashed because of you, just you wait, I'll make you regret on flirting on me during our battle

Raven: Maybe another time I already commanded my force to retreat as your reinforcement started to arrive, but I'll look forward to it *winks* 

and then the hologram disappears with Nimitz returning to her carrier as she saw her jet running out of fuel

As she landed at her carrier she gets out of her jet and her clothes changed back to her original outfit(See Chapter 4 for her outfit and looks)

as she done this she saw Enterprise(CV-6) and her successor, Gerald R. Ford(The Gerald R. Ford Class are the replacements for the aging Nimitz Class Aircraft carriers)

 Ford Class are the replacements for the aging Nimitz Class Aircraft carriers)

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Gerald R. Ford

Gerald: Ms. Nimitz I'm glad your safe but why are kinda angry

Nimitz: You won't fucking believe it Gerald, An Arbiter Siren piloting a Black F-14 Jet started flirting with me in the middle of our battle by showing  her Beautiful face at me

Enterprise: Beautiful?

as Nimitz realized what she just said, she blushed but quickly turn around so Enterprise and Gerald can't see her face

Nimitz: D-Did I say beautiful?, I mean what I said is she showed her face to me, and I almost crashed into the water because of it, nowifyouexcusemeI'llbeheadingtomyshipsroomtochecksomethingbye!

and then Nimitz immediately left them, with the two wondering why Nimitz spoke fast before she left them

As Nimitz head to her room she puts her head on the pillow on her bed and screamed as why she said that her enemy is beautiful

At Raven's ship

We could see Raven getting out from her jet and then her pilot uniform disappeared replacing her armor

We could see Raven getting out from her jet and then her pilot uniform disappeared replacing her armor

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(Imagine her hair is white and she was still wearing her mask)

The Attack was a success they managed to take out 75% of the modern Shipgirls

and then suddenly she received a message from Empress III that a detached force led by Intrepid and Bush(USS George H.W. Bush is the tenth and final Nimitz-class) and was commanded to intercept them

and from there The Raven, also known as Arbiter VII smirked

Her day is going to be really interesting

To be continued

Arbiter: VII, The Chariot (A Azur Lane Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now