Chapter 22

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(Play the song above)

*KABOOM**KABAM**Spears and Bow clashing*

We could see Chariot and Enterprise fighting each other with the the two of them getting dropped into building to building leaving those buildings to be destroyed at there fight

And from there we could see Chariot stabbing Enterprise by using her spears with Enterprise landing some arrows at Chariot, forcing Chariot to use her siren rigging to hit Enterprise, sending Enterprise to a building, destroying it

As Chariot does this she removed the arrows that Enterprise hits her and her wounds started to regenerate with Enterprise's wounds regenerating as well

Chariot: Impressive you managed to regenerate your wounds, now I know why Empress told me to be cautious with you, but nevertheless, I won't let you regenerate anymore further *Aims her siren riggings at Enterprise while charging at her with her spears*

and as Enterprise dodged the siren beams, she used her bow to block both of Chariot's spears and from there she spoke 

Enterprise: Your holding back

Chariot: What?

Enterprise: You remembered something that you shouldn't see didn't you?

Chariot: Shut up!

and so Chariot makes her spears dance in her hands at high speeds in hopes to injure Enterprise greatly 

But Enterprise only uses her bow to block her attacks in high speeds, even thou the bow is slowly cracking it kept repairing itself, pissing Chariot a little 

And so Chariot used her siren riggings and aimed it as Enterprise forcing her to dodge the beam giving her an opening with her spears shining brightly

Chariot: Heavenly Spears!

and so she throwed both of her spears with the spears managing to hit Enterprise stomach and left shoulder

As the spears hit her chains started to form on Chariot's hand that is connecting to the spears and so Chariot uses those chains to slam Enterprise to a building and to another one with Chariot having a lot of fun on hurting the Grey Ghost by slamming her to building to building until the buildings break

and then after a few more minutes Chariot call her spears back and as her spears return, she could see a very injured Enterprise walking towards her while holding her bow

Chariot: . . .Wow you literally left me so speechless, You really want to die don't-

Enterprise: Essex, please come back

and then Chariot suddenly got a headache as she heard that name and then she heard something that made her headache even worse


Chariot: Fuck, I'm not Essex, Grey Ghost, I'm Chariot, you must be hallucinating so I'll help you, DIE! *aims all of her siren riggings at Enterprise and shoots it at her*

as Enterprise stays on her ground she pulls her bows string and created a blue arrow and aimed it to the beam and releases it but lost her arm in the process due to the energy it possess

and within an instant the beams where gone giving the blue arrow a clear shot at Chariot's heart, to which Chariot can't dodge in time to the arrows speed

as the arrow pierced her heart tons of memories started to go through her head causing her to fall unconscious due to those memories overwhelming her with a tear flowing out of her eye

To be continued

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