Chapter 8

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At Intrepid and George W. Bush(Tenth and final ship of The Nimitz Class) force

We could see Bush, Helena, Hammann, Arizona, Long Island, Dewey(DDG-105), Kidd(DD-661), and Intrepid heading to the Azur Lane HQ as they received a message that it was under attack

By the way this is what Dewey and the others will look like:

By the way this is what Dewey and the others will look like:

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while they are heading to the HQ Hammann is speeding up leaving the others

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while they are heading to the HQ Hammann is speeding up leaving the others

Dewey: Hey Hamman wait up

Hammann: We must hurry up the base is attack!

Intrepid: Hey Calm down the attack was already repelled by Nimitz

Kidd: Nimitz?, Isn't that your older sister Bush?

Bush: Yep she is, It's a shame that only she could get all of the fun

Long Island: I also heard Gerald(Gerald R. Ford) and Enterprise(CV-6) came at the base as reinforcement

as Intrepid heard Enterprise's name she scowled

When Intrepid found out that her sister, Essex died because of Enterprise's actions when Essex is requesting for a retreat, Intrepid started to hate Enterprise, Enterprise tries to ask for forgiveness, but Intrepid declines it everytime, but until this year Enterprise tries her best to ask Intrepid's forgiveness

Helena/Dewey: *Both detected something* Everyone 7 aircraft are heading here very fast with a unknown Aircraft Carrier launching them!

Bush: Shit were to slow everyone stay alert! *Started to send SOS message*

A few meter away from the Group

We could see 7 jets with black and red stripes at the jets meaning that they are siren jets, and they are all F-14 Tomcats, and they were all led by Arbiter VII, also known as The Raven with Hanna and Melissa's jet beside Raven's jet

Raven: You know what do to everyone!, Leave The Younger sister of Nimitz to me!

Melissa: Roger sensei!

Hanna: HAI!

and then Melissa's group splits up and heads to the left with Hanna's group going to the right

Raven: This is going to be fun!

and then F-18 Super Hornet Jet's came to intercept Raven's Jet, making Raven even more excited(If you are wondering she is a battle maniac that wanted to face impossible challenges even there is a chance that she will have a 50/50% chance of not surviving)

At The Azur Lane HQ

We could See Wales and Nimitz overlooking the damage done by The Siren

Wales: They really caught us off guard this time 

Nimitz: I agree, they managed to fool PHD(Pearl Harbor Defense) by disguising themselves as our reinforcements, But I'm glad the PHD Personnel are not seriously injured and were now recovering 

Wales: Agreed, Out Base will be more stronger as The Royal Navy fleet will be heading here along with your Younger sister's reinforcements correct

Nimitz: Yep I hope there weren't in trouble

and then Enterprise came and spoke

Enterprise: We got a problem Ms. Nimitz!

Nimitz: What is it Enterprise?

Enterprise: Bush's group is under attack by The Raven

Nimitz: You gotta be shitting me!

To be continued

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