Chapter 26

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(You voted that I'll ship Nimitz and Empress III so here is how it goes enjoy~)

The next day


Somewhere in the Pacific Ocean

At Nimitz's Carrier

We could see Nimitz sitting on the chair of her office and was checking on the reports that her crew gave her

The war against the sirens had been quiet, eversince they managed to capture Chariot/Essex, too quite

But even that's the case, there is a possibility that they are preparing something big

But Nimitz has been sending some of her squadrons for hour to look for any siren activity but found and so she decided to take a nap since there is nothing new

But as Nimitz done this she suddenly felt the area around her too quite and cold causing her to open her eyes and she saw that she wasn't in her office, she was in a empty void and was standing

And as she turned around to look for anything in the void she saw Empress III floating in the air and since her rigging isn't with her, she decides to stay quite until she could speak

Empress III: You are Chariot's lover huh?

Nimitz: Where I'm I Siren!?

Empress III: Were inside your head Ms. Nimitz, and I have decided to talk to you about something

Nimitz: And that is

Empress III: My fellow sirens are already tired of fighting your race, and so I decided to make a peace treaty *summons a letter* take this to your president, it also contains the terms and conditions we wanted before the signage of the peace treaty

As Empress III toss the letter to Nimitz, The shipgirl spoke

Nimitz: Can you leave now, I want to wake up

Empress III: Sure but-

And then suddenly Empress III was infront of her and then looks at her and then spoke again

Empress III: I still don't understand

Nimitz: What do you mean?

Empress III: Why if all people, Chariot took her interest on you, I mean *turns around and walks away a little* she also flirted and tries to seduce me, but what makes you so very valuable to her make you her lover

And as Nimitz heard this she managed to solve why Empress III wanted her here

Nimitz: Are you... jealous

As Empress III heard this she turned around and faced Nimitz

Empress III: Yes, Yes I'm, everything that Chariot did to you, she also done it to me, it was her fucking fault why I fell in love with her even I'm her sister and-

Nimitz: I may have a solution for that

Empress III: And that is-

At the Azur Lane HQ

At Essex's room

We could see Essex scrolling her phone since she was given a day off and can't do anything, until someone knocked on her door, causing her to open it, and as she opens it she saw Nimitz and suddenly she hugs her with a smile on her face

Essex: You look happy today did something happened?

Nimitz: Yep, The Sirens have decided to end the war

Essex: I see- Wait really

Nimitz: Yep, and the US Presedent is reading the letter that Empress III gave to me as we speak

Essex: That's great news!

And then the two shared a kiss, until Essex notices that Nimitz locked the door to her room

Nimitz: And there is another one *pushes Essex in the bed and then presses a button from a device*

And then suddenly Empress III appeared at Essex's bed and started kissing her with Nimitz joining her and both of them spoke in unison

"We decided that both of us will share you" *both of there eyes glowed and then both of them spoke*  "After all it's all you fault~"

Essex: Oh shi-

To be continued

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