Chapter 28

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After a few minutes of walking Nimitz and Essex managed to escort the US President in the backstage and from there the US President heads to the stage on his own

As he appeared at the stage everyone clapped there hands with the cameraman from the news teams setting there camera's at the president as this being recorded live for the world to see

As The US President Appear he goes to the center as the mic is there and from there he spoke

US President: People around the world, Years ago we've been facing The Sirens who have been attacking us, destroying our homes and killing our love ones, But why are they doing this. A few years ago, Scientists discovered white wisdom cubes and thus they created 21 female humans, who have extraordinary powers, but due to this my government feared there power and might overthrow us, causing them to decide to kill them

As the President said this everyone gasp in shock at the revelation

US President: Although some of them managed to survive, we are still the reason why they lost there sisters. Fear, is the reason why they decided to fight, we keep fearing things that we can't explain, and so we are the ones who created our own enemy due to us getting manipulated by fear, but now with the help of Azur Lane, we now have managed to achieve peace that everyone wanted, but when this peace started, we must be courageous to face the fears that will be on our way, so let us stop fearing the Sirens and walk with them to a bright future, Thank you for your attention ladies and gentlemen

And so the US President head to the chair at the left side and sat at the table where the signing of the peace treaty will take place, with the other world leaders joining the President

And then Empress III came and sat at the chair on the right side and from there the signing began

And then after a few minutes of each country leader signing the peace treaty after the US President and Empress III signed it, The US President closed the book containing the peace treaty and then stands up and raises it and from there everyone clapped there hands as peace has finally come

Until 4 F-18 jets passed by the stage and headed to the ocean with everyone getting confused what is happening

While this is happening the US Soldiers and Sirens came out of the stage and one of the them whispered something at there ear causing them to leave the stage immediately and the soldiers escorting the everyone who attended to the room that are reserved for them while Empress III and the US President headed to the main command room where the people there are tracking the 4 Jets revealing it was Nimitz, Essex, Melissa and Hanna who are operating them as one of Nimitz's sisters detected 2 Calvary Class Aircraft carriers meters away from Pearl Harbor, to which Essex recognized those as the two ships are the 1st version of the Calvary Class and were stolen by some Terrorist meaning one thing

The Terrorist are planning to sabotage the Peace treaty by framing the sirens

To be continued

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