Chapter 18

635 18 1

As Everyone followed Hanna's order, they split into two groups with the 1st group consisting of the Jet's of Melissa, Crane and Hawk while 2nd Group consists of Hanna and Owl

As the two groups split to find a way to take out Chariot's jet, Chariot's jet decided to go on the 1st group just as Hanna predicted

Hanna: "Magpie"(Melissa), "Raven"(Ms. Chariot) is going to take your group out first stay alert we'll tail her so we could put her out

Melissa: Copy that

and then Hanna and Owl tailed Chariot's jet while Melissa's group does some maneuvers to avoid getting hit by Chariot's Jets

As Hanna and Owl tried to hit Chariot's Jet, Chariot suddenly does a maneuver to so he jet could hit Crane's jet and from there Chariot spoke

Chariot: Crane you're out head back to the carrier and do 100 push-ups

Crane: Yes Ma'am, Good luck guys

and then Crane makes her jet go to the location where the carrier is 

As minutes passed Chariot started to put out Hanna's group one by one until she is the only one left

Chariot: I must say "Hawk"(Hanna) you managed to avoid me very well but let's see if you could defeat me this time

Hanna: Bring it on sensei!

As she said this, Hanna takes her jet up to the sky while doing some maneuvers with Chariot's Jet following her

As Hanna's Jets enters the clouds Hanna makes her jet move in the clouds as she distracted Chariot to go to the clouds as the clouds are to foggy to see for Chariot to aim Hanna's Jet

and then after a few Rights and Lefts until she is now behind Chariot's jet and was about to successfully put her out until Chariot's jet done this:

and then after a few Rights and Lefts until she is now behind Chariot's jet and was about to successfully put her out until Chariot's jet done this:

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(Imagine that they are on the clouds while Chariot's jet is doing this)

As Hanna saw this she tried to move away from Chariot's sight but it was to late as Chariot spoke in the radio

Chariot: Your out "Hawk" but I'm impressed you almost caught me off guard try to keep you distance away from me next time, head back to the carrier and do your push ups

Hanna: Hai

and then Hanna make's her jet return to the carrier

and after a few minutes Hanna could see the carrier in the distance

and after a few minutes Hanna could see the carrier in the distance

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As the Shipgirls saw this there eyes widen with Gerald saying

Gerald: That's my ship?!

Nimitz: How in the world did the sirens get the exact copy or Gerald's ship?!

Dr. Daniel: I see so that's where the blueprint went

Gerald: What do you mean?

Dr. Daniel: Apparently a copy of your ships blueprint was stolen which put the US Government on high alert, It must be a well trained siren who stole it which was successful but with that aside let's keep watching


As Hanna docks her jet on the carrier she done 100 push ups

and as she done this she saw Chariot's jet landing on the carrier and as Chariot done this she left the jet remove her mask revealing her face


But as the shipgirls saw her face there eyes widen as Dr. Daniel is right

Chariot is Essex

To be continued

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