Chapter 11

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As Enterprise opens her eyes to see who saved her, her eyes widen in horror including the rest of Shipgirls

It was Belfast and she both of her arms were hit, but luckily she wasn't hit in the chest

As Raven makes her spears return to her hands, Enterprise and Belfast fell at the water with the Modern Shipgirls picking them up and heads to a safe distance

Enterprise: B-Belfast are you alright?!

Belfast: I-I'm fine, b-but why can't I move my arms

Bush: Gae Bolg, Gae Bolg *Realizes something making her eyes widen* It can't be-

Raven: Correct Ms. Bush, The Weapons I currently possessed is Gae Bolg, the mythical spear wielded by Cú Chulainn, but The Empress gave me alternative version of it, even it's a alternative versions, It's still deadly

Enterprise: I-It means that-

Raven: Your Injuries are permanent until my spears are destroyed or you kill me, but the question is could you all beat me?

and then They saw a lot of Black F-14, and F-18 jets heading to there position with black A-10 Warthogs joining the jets making the shipgirls pale including Nimitz as they are at a huge disadvantage

and then suddenly F-15 Eagle Jets came along with F-35 and F-22 Jets 

Raven: I see so they arrived

and then Raven heard someone warning her to surrender

"This is HMS Duncan, Leader of the Royal Navy Reinforcement, Surrender or you'll sink here siren"

Raven: Sorry to say this but I already expected you all to came here, so I made a escape plan, farewell Azur Lane, until next time *winks*

and then Raven suddenly disappeared and then the Raven's jet entered a portal and the portal closes as Raven's jet entered, Making Nimitz curse in anger as she managed to escape again

But even that Happens Nimitz makes her ship take off all of the jets she had in disposal as the A-10's will be a big problem if they are not removed from play

At Raven's ship

We could see Raven getting out of her jet as it landed on her ship successfully with Hanna and Melissa waiting for her

Raven: It's good to see you back you two *hugs Melissa and Hanna and broke the huge after a few seconds* Lets go inside and have a drink, I already gave the Calvary-Class the signal to make there planes return here including mine

Both: Sure Ms. Raven

and then The three entered the conning tower with Raven's ship going back to the Siren HQ


At the Azur Lane HQ, Infirmary

We could see Enterprise and Belfast at the hospital, and were both unconscious due to a lot of blood was lost, but they are safe for now

But the real problem is there injuries aren't healing just as Raven said 

At the meeting room

We could see Intrepid, Yorktown(Who is worried for Enterprise's condition), Bush, Duncan, and Nimitz in the room

Nimitz: Damn it *slams her fist on a wall* If I had destroyed Raven's jet she wouldn't escape and won't put Enterprise and Belfast in this state

"It wasn't your fault Nimitz"

and then Nimitz turned around to look at Duncan

*This is Duncan by the Way:

Duncan: None of us expected the an Arbiter is wielding such weapon and is very smart

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Duncan: None of us expected the an Arbiter is wielding such weapon and is very smart

Bush: I agree with Duncan sister

Nimitz: But still-

and then suddenly a Man wearing lab coat entered the room

Nimitz: Who the hell are you?

Daniel: My Name is Dr. Daniel, and I might have knowledge about the Raven, which also has connection to your older sister Essex, Ms. Intrepid

Intrepid: What do you mean?!

To be continued

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