Chapter 12

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At Intrepid's room

We could see Intrepid curling at a wall of her room, crying with Essex's eagle trying to comfort or cheer her up


A few hours ago

Intrepid: LIAR! *Pins Dr. Daniel in a wall*

Dr. Daniel: What I'm saying is true Ms. Intrepid, Your sister, Essex was a siren in the past

Dr. Daniel told them that years ago a meteorite fell in America and the US Government discovered that the meteorite contained special Blue like white cubes inside it which led to the Project Arcana and the creation of the 22 Females Children known as the Arcana Class which was led by Dr. Daniel and some researchers

As time progress they discover that as the 22 Female's grew up they became more smarter and stronger especially Arcana No. 7 also known as the Chariot who became fascinated on Jets and wanted to try to operate one, was good at using spears, was was also able to keep up with Arcana No. 8 also known as Strength in spars, and lastly she is the closest and friendliest sister to Arcana No. 3 also known as Empress

Until one day The US Government decided to terminate the project and commanded them to execute all of the sisters and the other humanoids that they also created due to the fear that they will start to overthrow them soon, Dr. Daniel and the others tried to protest but they failed as US Military came and started to kill them by injecting them with lethal poison in there sleep

However the plan failed as 7 of Arcana Sisters woke up and saw 15 of there sisters dead, killed by the military

due to this there full potential was activated and summoned weird laser riggings (except for The Chariot who didn't want to kill them due to there might be a reason why they are doing this) and started to kill the US Military there and waken up some of the experimented humanoids that were known today as sirens

As Chaos happened with both sides having high casualties, The Chariot say a fully functional F-14 Jet is the base and started to operate it, giving her comrades and sisters time to escape in time before the US could launch a missile to shoot down the F-14 jet, critically injuring The Chariot and making the remaining 6 sisters and sirens think that she is dead

Due to the failure of this operation the US Government blamed Dr. Daniel and the researchers and commanded them to reset Chariot's memory's and make her a shipgirl that will fight for the US and for the World

End of Flashback

As Dr. Daniel said all of this, Intrepid became furious and call Dr. Daniel a liar and tries to punch him, but Nimitz stopped her and tells her to rest and they'll handle this from here, which leads to where we could see what is she doing now

Essex's Eagle: *Screams a little to gain Intrepid's attention*

Intrepid: O-Oh *wipes her tears* your here sorry for making you worried buddy

Essex's Eagle: *Screams**Screams*

Intrepid: Hehe Okay, Okay I'll stop crying but, do you ever miss Big sis?

Essex's Eagle: *Screams sadly*

Intrepid: I see, I heard that she is still alive but is at the enemies side so let's do our best to get her back okay?

Essex's Eagle: *Screams in joy*

Intrepid will try her best to get her sister back even she is a siren

To be continued

and by the way this is what Dr. Daniel look's like:

 Daniel look's like:

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(Just Imagine her skin is like the sirens)

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(Just Imagine her skin is like the sirens)

and Hanna:

(Imagine her skin is like the sirens)

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(Imagine her skin is like the sirens)

Arbiter: VII, The Chariot (A Azur Lane Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now