The Diary

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A few years after Captain Hook's last visit to the island-

"Pan?!" Felix shouted, walking past the camp fire where the rest of the lost boys were sat,

"Pan! Have any of you seen Pan?" He turned to the boys, they all shook their heads, stuffing their faces with the treats they had found.

"I heard my name." Peter appeared behind Felix, startling him a little.

"Oh, Yeah, I found this in a bag I took from Hook's ship a few months ago, it seems to be a diary." Felix handed him a leather covered book with old crumpled pages. Peter opened the first page

~Y/N Hook~

"I've heard of her, she's Hook's daughter." Devin said, Peter turned to the next page. A picture of a girl was stuck on the page.

"She's beautiful." Peter breathed. "I want to find her." He looked to the rest of the boys.

"But Pan, she's Hook's daughter I really don't think-" Felix started 

"I don't care what you think! I'm going to find her. Now, I'm going to read through the diary and see what I can find out about her. If any of you come up with a plan, tell me." He gave the boys one last glance and walked back to his tree stump, sitting down and opening the book. 

Most of the pages were filled with stories about a boy named Henry, her little brother.

That was it! Her little brother. 

"Felix! Devin!" Pan stood up from the stump while the two boys walked over, he smiled to himself about the height different between the two of them.

"You still have the magic beans yes?" Pan looked to Felix, he nodded.

"Right," He ripped a page out of the diary, "I want you to find a boy and bring him to me, he lives at this address." He handed the page to Devin, "Careful, it's Hook's son, be back by tomorrow, I'll be waiting." 

"Yes pan." They both said, taking the page, grabbing their cloaks and leaving the camp. 

Peter sat back down and read through the rest of the diary. It was clear that Y/N's little brother was very dear to her, so this was the perfect plan. 


Y/N's POV~

"Dad!" I yelled from my room, "Da-"

"yes?" I turned around to see dad leaning on the door frame.

"Have you seen my diary, I can't find it anywhere?" 

"Where did you see it last?"

"Well if I knew that then-" I tried to stop my shocked expression take over my face, "Rats..."

"You didn't leave it in-" Dad started,

"It was taken by one of the boys when they invaded our ship in Neverland a few months  ago, when you went to find your stolen hook." I remembered it like it was the day before, A tall boy in a hood with blonde hair took it, it was the only thing he stole from my room, thought there were so many other things that he could have taken, he took a diary. 

"Y/N did your diary have any personal information in it?" 

"Yes, my picture, my name and our address." 

"Rats, right, lock all the windows upstairs and me and mum will take care of downstairs, we'll stay home for the next few days." I nodded and watched him go downstairs while I made my way to Henry's room. 

"Henry I- what are you doing?" I opened the door to see Henry hiding underneath his duvet.

"The bed monsters back." He said poking his head out of his duvet. I shook my head while I locked both of the windows in his room.

"I already told you, there is nothing underneath your bed, its just all of your dirty socks." I made my way back to the door and was about to leave-

"Wait," He said, I turned around, "Can I sleep in your room again?" I sighed, he had been doing that for the past two weeks because of some nightmares that he was having. 

"I'll tell you what, I'll check on you in the middle of the night yes? You can't keep sleeping in my room, I'll come check on you at 1AM." I wasn't really happy with this arrangement either but it was better than listening to him talk in his sleep. 

"Fine, but you promise you will come check." I nodded and kissed him on the forehead. 

"Goodnight Henry." I shut the door behind me and shut the rest of the windows upstairs, finishing with the one in my room. I pushed all the clothes that I had been searching through for my diary onto my floor and crawled into my bed, flipping the light switch that was on the wall next to my bed. 


I woke up suddenly to the sound of a muffled scream, I checked the time and it was 12:30. I ran out to the hallway where I saw mum and  dad with worried looks on their faces. 

"It's fine," I whispered, "He didn't sleep in my room, it will just be one of his nightmares, you two go back to bed, I'll check on him." I watched them go back into their room and entered Henry's. My heart dropped when I opened the door. I looked to Henry's bed- Empty. The window was wide open and a shadowed figure was floating away with Henry in his arms. 

I screamed so hard I felt the tonsils at the back of my throat moving. 

"What is it?!" Mum yelled, rushing into the room with dad behind her.

"He's gone! Someone took him through the window!" I was shaking, pointing to the window.

"I thought you locked all the windows!" Dad yelled, 

"She did." Mum replied, she was crouched down by the window and she picked up a piece of the lock mechanism from the window. 

"Emma, pack our things, Y/N, you too, we're going back to Neverland, I'm going to get the crew." Mum and I nodded, going back to our rooms. 

I packed a small bag of mostly books and some clothes. I also added some of Henry's things into my bag for when we found him. Just as I was zipping up my bag, Mum turned up at the door.

"Are you ready?" She asked and I nodded, "Right come on then, we are meeting your dad by the harbor." I followed her down the stairs and out the house. Deep down I was hoping we would also retrieve my diary while we payed our visit to Pan. 


It took us about 5 minutes to walk to the harbor, though we were probably running, and we finally saw the high sails of the ship. When we got there we saw the main crew, Regina, Snow, Charming and about ten others that I didn't know the names of. Mum and I climbed aboard and started to settle down into our chambers below deck, I would usually share a room with Henry on the ship but this time I had my own. 

I heard dad yelling 'hold on tight' while I got into my bed. I clutched onto the sides of my bed as the ship rattled around and spun into the little whirlpool. After a few seconds, a cool breeze came running through the boat, it was always colder in Neverland than the real world. I knew it was dad's plan to sit on the water overnight and go find somewhere to camp in the morning so I tried settled down and blew out the candle that was lit on the table next to my bed. 

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