A little box

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I was stuck in my room for a few days, food was brought to me by someone. I didn't see who. I had nothing to do, nobody to talk to. And I had no idea where Peter was, I was so worried, who knows what Dad would do to him. And that was when the sudden idea popped into my head. I rummaged underneath my bed until I found my blue box, I opened it and took out my second phone. I dialed the number and called.

"Jefferson speaking." 

"It's Y/N, I need you to bring your telescope round, oh, and come through the window not the door." 

"OK." I put the phone back in the box, pushed it under the bed and waited. After about fifteen minutes, there was a tap on the window. I walked over and opened it and there, hanging onto one of the house pipes was Jefferson. I reached out my hand and helped him into my room. 

"Right what do you need this for?" He pulled out his telescope from his case and placed it by the window, "Where am I pointing this to?" I walked over to where he was standing and looked out the window.

"Mr Gold's shop please, I need to see into the back room." He nodded and re-positioned the telescope so it was aimed towards the window in Mr Gold's shop. I crouched down and looked through the telescope. It looked straight through the window that showed the back room in the shop. Regina, Mum, Dad and Mr Gold were there. Dad was holding a small box with a round, red diamond on the top of it. "What's that?" I stepped back and let Jefferson take a look.

"That's a keep box, it freezes someone, puts them in a deep sleep and entraps them in the box, they can't be let out unless the person who trapped them in there let's them out. My breath hitched as I realized who they had in the box. It was Peter. I looked back through the telescope to see what they would do with the box. I watched as they put it in a little whole in the floor and covered it with the carpet. 

After Jefferson had left, I started to pack a bag of things that I might need in Neverland for when we went back. I wasn't planning on staying in Storybrook. I ate the food that came through my door at 7.00 and waited for them to collect the plates so that they knew I was there. After midnight had passed, I took my bag and started climbing out of the window, carefully placing my foot on each pipe until I got down to the pavement. 

Unfortunately, the light in Mr Gold's shop was still on so I waited and watched as he left his shop and made his way home. I made sure he was a bout ten minutes away before sneaking into the shop. Henry and I used to go into his shop all the time when we were younger so I had a key to the shop, given to me by Mr Gold when he realized how fascinated me and Henry were with the stuff for sale. 

I got my key out and opened the shop, disabled the alarm and made my way to the back room. All of the items were glistening in the moon light that shone through the window, I wasn't going to risk turning the light on, someone might notice so I was feeling my way around the place. I kept walking, treading carefully until I heard a slight creak in the floorboards. There it was. I dropped to my knees and folded over the carpet to uncover a little edge in the floor. I lifted it up to see the little box just sitting there. 

"How are you expecting to open that?" The light turned on and I turned around, the box in my hand to see Mr Gold and my parents standing in the doorway. 

"Please just let him out! He hasn't done anything!" Dad raised his eyebrow as I pulled my dagger out from my boot. 

"Oh please. That isn't going to work on my again." He said and gave a nod to Mr Gold who waved his hand and everything went black. 


When I woke up, I wasn't in the normal world. I was in a huge red room with flames everywhere. There was someone else in the other corner of the room. 

"Hello?!" I yelled and suddenly the flames died down. 

"Y/N?" It was Peter! I ran over and went to hug him but we fell right through each other. "It's a hollogram Y/N, where are you, where am I?" He asked.

"Your in a box, Mr Gold put you in a little box which keeps you in a deep sleep while your in there, I tried to let you out but now I'm in a deep sleep." He frowned, 

"Alright, now that I know where I am, I can get both of us out, I just need you to-" Suddenly a huge tornado came down and sucked Peter out of the room.

"Peter? Peter!?" I yelled but it was no use. He wasn't there. And no matter how hard I tried I couldn't get out of the room. The flames were coming back and they were burning. I managed to find a small area of the room where the flames weren't growing and sat there. 

It must have been days that I was sat there. Stuck with nothing to do. Until, after sitting there for what seemed like weeks, A huge tornado came, just like the one that took Peter away and I was taken up and out of the room. 

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