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After we had dinner which was better than the dinners we had at home, one of the boys lit the fire and Pan stood in the middle of the circle of boys. He held the pipe up to his mouth and started to play a tune, it was quite catchy. After a few minutes, the boys started to dance, going round and round in circles to the music, just like I had seen them do the night before. But there was a couple of boys missing. One of them was Felix, he was speaking to another boy, a bit shorter than him with dark hair and a bright red cut under his eye, he was holding something and he gave it to Felix. Then he started making his way over. 

"Hey." He smiled,

"Hey, aren't you and him," I looked at the boy a few meters behind him, "Dancing?" I asked.

"Yeah we will join in later, look, that's Devin and he made this for you." He handed me a dress made from different patches of material, the shoulder and the waist were made of leather, the top was made from a thin piece of material covered by leaf nets, and the skirt was an underlayer of fabric with about 5 layers of soft leaves. And the best bit were the black and greet flowers that was attached to the hem of the skirt. 

"It's amazing! He must be really talented, tell him I said thanks!" I smiled at Devin who was a few meters away.

"The thing is," Felix started and I looked at him, "He wants you to wear it tonight, I don't know how Pan will feel about it though." 

"It doesn't matter what Pan thinks, why don't you tell Devin I'll be out in a minute, wearing the dress." I smiled at Felix and he nodded. I made my way back to the hut and got into the dress. It looked amazing, I let my hair down and put my old boots on. 

Once I was ready, I left the hut and made my way over to Devin and Felix, by now, you couldn't even hear Pan's pipe over the boys' singing. 

"Hey! Thanks for the dress Devin, it's amazing." I smiled at him and he looked so happy.

"Your welcome, now why don't you come dance with us?" 

"Of coarse!" 

Before I knew it, I was dragged into the circle by Felix and Devin and we were all dancing and singing. The dress twirled so easily and it was so comfy, everything seemed to be going ok until Pan noticed that I was dancing with Devin and Felix. After a few side glances from him, he started walking over to us. 

"Hey Pan!" I stopped dancing, as did the other two boys, and smiled at him. 

"Could you excuse us for a second Y/N?" I smiled unusually sweetly at me and I nodded, walking away. 

I couldn't tell what was being said, but it was bad. Like really bad. He was full on yelling, yet the other boys were still dancing and singing. I fiddled with my cross earrings, it was what I usually did when I was nervous. I was still terrified of Pan, I knew he wasn't going to hurt me but just his mannorism was scary. 

After he stopped yelling at them, he leaned in closer to them and whispered something, then he started walking over to me. I stood up and smiled like I hadn't seen him yelling. 

"Hey, sorry about that, I had to take care of something. You look amazing though." 

I smiled, still fiddling with my earrings,

"Thank you." 

"Your not scared of me are you?" 

I quickly stopped fiddling with my earrings, 

"No of coarse not." I lied.

"You are." I looked down at my feet, "Well I hope I can change that, here, I made you some new earrings." He handed me a pair of earrings, there was a small feather on each one. They were quite beautiful. 

"They're gorgeous." I breathed. I reached up to take my cross earrings off and looked at them in my hand. It seemed that the longer I was here, the less I remembered about dad. The less I thought about him. I shook of the thought and put the crosses down on the log that we were sat on and took the feathered ones from Peter's hands. I guess I did feel a bit bad when I replaced the crosses with the feathers but I didn't want to get on Pan's bad side. 

"You look beautiful." He looked right into my eyes. I never noticed how pretty his eyes were, they were warm and welcoming, and they made me feel at home. One of his hands took mine, and placing his other hand on the side of my face, he kissed me. And I didn't stop him, I leaned into the kiss and our lips moved in sync. 

After a few seconds I pulled away and looked into his eyes again. 

"Your blushing Y/N." 

"Am I?" I covered my cheeks and then realized what I was doing. "I should get to bed. Goodnight." I quickly rushed away back to the hut, shut the door and took a deep breath. What was I thinking? I walked over to my bed and started to get into the dress that I wore the night before and took the feather earrings out, holding them in my hands. They truly were beautiful. Then I remembered that I left my crosses outside. 

I put one of Pan's jackets on over the top of my dress. He wouldn't notice if he didn't see me. I snuck out the hut, back to the place where we were sat before. Where we kissed. But my crosses weren't on the log. 

"Is that my jacket?" Shoot. I turned around slowly to see Pan standing there with his arms crossed and an eyebrow raised. 

"Sorry, I just needed to wear something over my night dress, I forgot my crosses out here, have you seen them?" He held his hand out, the crosses sitting in the middle of his palm. 

"Thank you so much." I took them and went to head back before he grabbed my arm. I turned around. 

"Next time love, don't mix your clothes with mine, feel free to take my trousers too." He smirked, gave me a wink and let go of my arm. I smiled at him and made my way back to the hut. As soon as I shut the door, I leaned against it. I was falling in love when I shouldn't. 

Pan (peter pan ouat x reader)Where stories live. Discover now