Running Camp

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When I woke up, the sun wasn't shining through the curtains as they usually did. Instead it was shining through the holes in the roof of the hut. It was mid-day. I had slept in. And the worst part, was that there was screaming outside. And then banging on my door. 

I quickly got changed into my trousers and shirt and opened the door to see Devin looking rather worried. 

"What is it?" 

"Some of the boys were messing about in the woods, and one of them fell over."


"He fell over in nightshade. His whole face is gushed with purple and blood." My eyes widened as I imagined the sight.

"Who was it?" That's when Devin's face dropped.

"Lucas." Lucas. Lucas was the youngest, he must have been only 9. I put my hair up and followed Devin deep into the woods where a group of boys were surrounding Lucas, laying on the floor. 

"Alright everyone, coming through." I squeezed past the crowd and crouched down next to Lucas. Devin was right, his whole face was ruined, unrecognizable. I took a deep breath and picked him up, carrying him back to the hut. The crowd followed me right to the door.

"Sorry guys, but I can only have one of you inside with me, Devin would you mind?" He nodded and followed me inside, shutting the door behind us. I lay Lucas on my bed and started rummaging through the cupboards. 

"Don't you need that special water to heal nightshade?" Devin asked, sitting next to Lucas while I went through all my stuff. 

"Yes," I replied, still looking,  "You do, but luckily I saved some from last time I needed it." I picked up a flask that was at the back of one of pans cupboards. "This should do the trick." I walked over and kneeled down next to the bed.

"Lucas I know it's painful to move your mouth at the moment but I need you to drink this ok?" I saw a slow nod from Lucas as he slowly parted his lips. I placed the flask in front of his face while he took a few sips. Once he was done, I pulled the flask away and watched as he fell asleep.

"Is he supposed to go to sleep?" Devin asked while I put the flask back in it's place,

"Yeah, totally normal, it means he isn't awake while the nightshade clears up." I walked back to where he was laying and watched as the purple slowly drained from his face and his skin started to form again. A few seconds after his face was back to normal, he started to open his eyes. "Good morning." I smiled at him and helped him out of bed, "Do you feel able to go outside? I'm sure the others are waiting to see you." He nodded and I took his hand, leading him outside to where a large group of boys were waiting. They all cheered to see him looking ok and I smiled. 

"Your even better than Pan!" One of the boys said,

"Yeah! You should be leader!"

"Your much more fun."

I was flattered don't get me wrong but that's not how I wanted things to plan out.

"Guys I don't want you to think like that, I'm only in charge until Peter comes back and that's not going to change ok, now go down to archery practice, I'll see you there for a game of apples." They all cheered and I made my way back inside, sitting on the bed and thinking for a few seconds. 

"Everything ok?" Devin asked, sitting next to me,

"No. I have no idea how to be a leader, It has been two days and one of them has already hurt themselves, I don't have that much water left. What if something serious happens?" 

"Nothing bad is going to happen. Pan left me behind for a reason," I looked at him, "Because he knew that you would start to doubt yourself and he told me to stick by your and encourage you whenever you needed it." I smiled and pulled him in for a hug. 

"Thanks Devin, now come on, your not missing out on this game." I grabbed his arm and dragged him with me down to the archery practice where the boys were waiting. "Alright boys! I'm going to hit an arrow into the bullseye of this target," And I did so, exactly in the middle, "Whoever can split my arrow with their own shot, wins this fresh basket of mint berries that I picked this morning." I watched as their faces lit up and they got in a line, each taking turns to try and his the arrow. Something that I had learnt from living with the boys, mint berry was their all time weakness. 

In the end, none of them were able to split my arrow so I promised them that I would make them a mint berry pie for dinner instead, seeing as nobody won it. That was the fastest I had seen them eat dinner. They wolfed it down as soon as it was put in front of them. And then they went through their usual evening ritual, with my singing as their new addition. 

I watched and waited for all of them to go to bed and then went to my own. I fell asleep pretty quickly. Though that didn't last very long. 

In the middle of the night I woke up with some sort of weird gut feeling. And it wasn't good. Something didn't feel right, maybe it was something to do with Pan. Whatever it was, I wasn't getting back to sleep any time soon so I went outside and walked over to where Devin was sleeping. 

"Devin," I shook him gently and he slowly opened his eyes, "Devin I'm going for a walk, your in charge until I get back, use the horn if anything happens." He nodded, sat up and watched as I went into the woods. I decided to change my pace a bit by going to a bit of the woods that I had never been in before. There was a foot trail so clearly someone had been there before. The foot trail lasted for about 15 minutes until it reached a small clearing with one cage. Why wasn't it with all the others?

I crouched down and looked through the bars to see who was in there. It was a girl.

"Hey, girl, wake up." I shook the cage a little and she started to move. 

"Your not Pan, who are you?" She looked worried and tired, really tired.

"I'm Y/N, I'm with Pan, why has he got you in a cage." 

"He has my brothers doing jobs for him, he tells them that if they don't do what he says then he will harm me." My eyes widened as I realized what Pan was doing. 

"Pan's away at the moment, but when he gets back I'll see if he will let you go, don't worry, you'll see your brothers soon, I promise." She smiled and I walked away.

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