The Mermaids

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I woke up with aching legs and some other aching parts. I groaned as I tried to move.

"Hey take it easy, last night was pretty rough if I do say so myself." I sat up to see Peter walking over with a cup of green tea and handing it to me. I took it and he sat on the bed. I tried to sit up straight but received a sharp pain. "Are you ok?" He asked, I nodded slowly. It looked as if he was about to say something but he was interrupted by a knock on the door. 

It was Felix, he let himself in after a few seconds. 

"Well," He said, shutting the door behind him, "I think you scarred some of the younger boys last night. The whole camp could hear you." He was holding himself back from laughing. 

"Oh gosh." I hid my face with my free hand. "I told you, you were being to rough." I laughed to Peter.

"Well you didn't tell me to stop did you love?"

"Alright," Felix interrupted, "Let's stop that love fest there, Pan you might want to go speak with the boys." Peter nodded and followed Felix out of the hut leaving me to get changed. As I did, I got into the outfit that I usually wore. I tucked my dagger into my belt and made my way outside to find Pan speaking to a group of boys. It was still a bit hard for me to walk but I got used to it. 

"Hey love," Peter got up and put his arm around my waist, "I just had to explain to a few of them what we were doing last night. And also why you were screaming." 

"I was not screaming." I retaliated and he just laughed. Pan and I kept talking to the boys until a glint of something shiny caught my eye. It was Felix and Devin, they were trying to signal me over. I subtly let go of Peter's hand and walked over to the bushes that they were hiding in. 

"Hey guys, what you doing?" They took my hands and dragged me into the bushes that were tall enough to stand in. "Alright then." 

"Here," Felix handed me some sort of enchanted twig, "An enchanter made these sticks years ago, if you give it to someone, and it turns yellow then that person is pregnant, we thought it might come in handy." I looked at the twig in my hand, then back up at Felix. 

"You know it doesn't usually just happen first time you try." 

"I wouldn't be too sure about that, look at the stick." Felix smirked and pointed to the twig in my hand. It was turning into a pale yellow. My eyes widened. "Not to seem rude Y/N, but you don't look all that pleased." 

"I'm not Felix, I was hoping it wouldn't turn yellow." They both looked at me, confused, "I'm not ready but I couldn't say no to him." I could feel the tears welling in my eyes as I took a deep breath. 

"It's ok," Felix pulled my in for a hug, "You don't have to tell Pan yet if your not ready, we can hide the stick until you are." I nodded. 

"Thanks guys, I'd better get back to Peter, he'll be looking for me." They both smiled and I walked away through the bushes and found Peter picking more FireHusk berries. I sighed as I watched him. "Hey Peter, can we go to the mermaid lake today?" I asked. He looked up from his basket and smiled,

"Of coarse love, we'd better set off now, you don't want to be handling the mermaids when it's dark." I nodded as he took my hand and we started walking. We kept walking through the forest, into a part of the woods that I had never seen before. We continued until we came to a huge pond with a little island in the middle of it. There was a small wooden bridge that lead over to the island, and on the island was a willow tree, it's branches creating a little room. 

"It's beautiful!" I admired the scene, 

"It is. I need to get some things from the tree, be careful when we cross the bridge, the mermaids can get a bit jealous." He pulled out a little jar. It was empty. I assumed it was for the stuff he was collecting. I was a bit nervous when we first set foot on the bridge, but I followed Peter onto it anyway. Along side us, a few mermaids swam, then stopped to look at us. They were so pretty, their hair was long and glossy and it was entangled with flowers. They had colorful and decorative tops and their tails were enchanting, each scale glinting in the light and reflecting almost every color possible. They didn't seem vicious at all, so I stopped to look at them, I even waved. They responded with a high pitched voice, in some sort of special language, but it seemed friendly. I allowed Peter to keep walking while I said hello. After a few seconds, more of them came along, now there were about 12 of them, all looking beautiful and amazing.

I sat on the edge of the bridge to get a closer look at them, they were so welcoming and friendly, I didn't see why Pan warned me about them. But then I did, just as I was about to get up I felt a cold hand wrap itself around my ankle and before I knew it, I was dragged into the water. From underneath, the water was not as pretty as it looked form the surface, instead of having all sorts of colorful rocks and enchanted fish, there were sharp rocks and skeletons laying at the bottom of the lake. I tried to kick them away, I didn't want to end up like the other skeletons on the ground of the pond. I punched and kicked at them but they just seemed to push me down further. I started to give up, my attacks weren't working. I let them push me down until there was a disturbance with the water, someone else was in there and it wasn't a mermaid. It was Pan. I swam down to the mermaid and kicked them all away, grabbing my arm and pulling me back up to  the surface where I took a deep and needed breath. He dragged me back by my arms and let me lay on the island. 

"Love your bleeding." He cut a piece off his shirt, soaked it with the water and placed it on my stomach, On a wound that I didn't know was there. But then I did, it stung as soon as he put it on and I winced. 

"How is there a wound, I wasn't stabbed!" I tried to sit up,

"Whoa whoa," Peter gently pushed me down by my shoulder, "You have been stabbed in the stomach by one of their tridents." The stomach. I had been stabbed in the stomach and I was pregnant. 

"How deep is the wound?" 

"Don't worry love it's just a bit of a graze, it hasn't even gone muscle deep." I took a deep sigh of relief. As he was tending to my stomach, I noticed a red patch on his shoulder. 

"Peter your wounded!" I sat up, trying to ignore my pain and started to saw a chunk off the end of my trousers. I took the fabric and dipped it in the water, leaning closer to Peter and laying the cloth on his shoulder and he winced. I smiled, I had never seen him show any sign of weakness. 

"Honestly I'm fine, I just need to get the weeds and then we need to get you home." He stood up and started to pick certain leaves off the tree and plucking red roots from the ground. 

"Here let me help." I started to get up, wincing with pain and holding the jars out for him to put the ingredients in. I waited as he got the last of his things and sealed the jars, putting them back in his bag and we made our way back to the camp, his arm around my shoulder to help me walk. 

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