Peter in Storybrook

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When I woke up, I was laying on the forest floor. I looked around and saw Peter sat at my side with the rest of the boys cheering behind him, it looked like he had been crying but before I could say anything, he pulled me in for a tight hug and kissed me repeatedly, laughing in between. 

"I thought you would never wake up." He continued to hug me like he hadn't seen me in years. When he let go, I got up and walked over to the boys, hugging each of them, which admittedly, took a while, but it was worth it. 

"How are we going to get back?" I asked, walking back over to Peter.

"Don't worry love, we have that all figured out. See that well over there?" He pointed to a water well and I nodded, "It's a portal, and luckily, I still have my magic beans." He pulled out one of the beans from his pocket and smirked, walking over to the well. Just before he was about to throw it in, I heard a very familiar voice from behind us. 

"Y/N!" I turned around to see Wendy running towards me with two men behind her, one was tall with glasses and the other was shorter. I ran up and hugged her,

"Wendy I haven't seen you in ages! Are these your brothers?" I let go and looked at them, 

"Yes, this is John," She pointed to the taller one, "And this is Michael." She pointed to the other one.

"Nice to meet you." I smiled at both of them,

"You too," John said, "We owe you big time for getting our sister back." I smiled before Wendy suddenly frowned.

"Anyway, we came to tell you that everyone in town is looking for you, and they are on their way up here now so I would go quickly if I were you." I nodded and hugged her before watching Peter throw the bean into the well. We made sure all of the boys got in before we did and we were about to jump in ourselves before we heard another familiar voice. I turned around to see Mum, Dad, Regina, Mr Gold, Snow, Charming and Henry. 

Henry ran up to me and hugged me before being pulled away by Regina. I gave him a gentle smile before raising my eyebrow at the others. 

"We are just trying to do what's best for you Y/N! It's not safe for you to be with him!" Mum pointed at Peter, I grabbed his hand and stood beside him. 

"Well, I think that's for me to decide, after all. He is the father of my child." I placed my hand on my stomach and watched as all of their faces dropped. I gave a quick, reassuring nod to Henry and jumped into the well with Peter, hand in hand. 

We landed back at camp, laughing endlessly and starting to get everyone ready for bed. I loved to see how caring Peter was for the boys. Once the boys were all asleep, Peter and I made our way to our own hut and settled down. 

"They aren't going to leave me alone are they?" I asked, looking over to Peter who was laying next to me. He gave a sympathetic smile, 

"No, probably not. But we can sort them out can't we?" He squeezed my hand and I smiled, rolling over into his chest. He wrapped one arm around me and stroked the back of my head with the other. "Don't worry love, I'm never going to let them take you, and I'm proud of you for standing up to them today, especially with breaking the news of the baby." I smiled and giggled a bit. 

After about half an our of talking about our trip to Storybrook, we got to sleep.


In the morning, I woke up with a sharp pain in my stomach and a startling warm feeling in my throat. I jumped out of bed and ran over to the toilet and felt the sick running through my mouth and into the toilet. I crouched there, scared that another load would come up as I heard Peter starting to get up.

"Love? Are you ok?" He pushed through the curtains that surrounded the bed and saw my on my knees in front of the toilet. "Oh love." He kneeled down next to me and held my hair back. "Morning sickness, don't worry, it's completely normal." He continued. 

After a few more loads, I felt my stomach empty.

"I think I'm done." I started to get up with Peter's help. 

"Are you sure?" Peter asked and I nodded. He helped me into my clothes and he got into his own. I put my hair up like I usually did and went outside with Peter, my hand in his. 

"You alright Y/N?" Devin and Felix walked up to me as Pan left to go hunting for dinner later, "Your looking awfully pale this morning." Felix agreed as Devin pointed out. 

"I'm fine, just a bit of morning sickness." I replied, making my way to the fire pit and sat down, the two boys following close behind. 

"Y/N there is something we need to tell you." Felix started, I looked to him, "There are these two boys in this camp, we haven't seen them before our visit to Storybrook, we think they followed us back through the well." I raised an eyebrow,

"Have you spoken to Peter about this?" I asked,

"No, we didn't want to disturb him, he has been so busy recently." 

"Has he?" I frowned, I hadn't noticed Peter acting any differently.

"Yeah! He has been collecting loads of cotton and leather, for baby clothes and he has been sneaking out in the middle of the night to get moonlight ferns." 

"What are moonlight ferns?" 

"They are bushes which grow thorns and the thorns produce string which can be woven into one of the softest materials ever." I smiled to myself, I didn't realize Peter had been putting so much effort into our baby. 


That night, I wanted to see if Peter would sneak out like Devin and Felix were saying, so as usual, we went to bed and I pretended to sleep. After an hour or so, he gently let go of me and snuck out of the hut, slowly shutting the door behind him. I followed him with careful foot steps until he stopped in a little clearing in the forest that was filled with little round bushes. I watched as he collected some of the thorns, a few of them pricked his fingers and drew blood. I hated this so I stepped forward and cleared my throat, my arms crossed. 

"Y/N! What are you doing up?" He stood up and walked over to me, hiding the jar of thorns in his pocket. 

"I could ask you the same thing, I know you exited for this baby but there are still a few months left." He sighed and looked down, "What's wrong?" I placed my hand on his shoulder,

"I know your parents aren't going to let you go, and I know they are going to keep trying. I also know that they would have no hesitation in killing me. I just wanted to make sure I had something to do with this pregnancy if I was killed before it was born." My heart melted and I pulled him in for a hug. I held him tightly. 

"Peter. I will never let them take you away from me, and I won't let this baby grow up without you." He pulled away and smiled at me, leaning back in for a quick kiss.

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