Arrow Practice

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His voice again, it sent my legs wobbly and my mind dreamy. But I quickly snapped out of it. 

"What do you want with me?" I asked him as he emerged from the curtains with a plate of food. He handed me it and I just looked at it.

"It's not poisoned if that's what your worried about." He pointed out.

"Why wouldn't it be, you seem to have it out for me." 

"Trust me love," He leaned closer to my face, "If I wanted to kill you, I would have done it, and I definitely wouldn't have let you sleep in my bed, leaving me to sleep on the floor." He stepped back away from me and sat down on the chair next to the bed.

"Why am I sleeping in your bed if my brother is in a cage?" I put the food down on the bed and stared at him. 

"Don't worry love. I have no intention on hurting your brother, in fact, he is going back with your family as soon as they come to get him." 

"He was just a trap to get to me wasn't he?!" I stood up and grabbed a pocket knife that I had in my sleeve and looked down at him. He just stared, and slowly stood up. After a few seconds he was much taller than me and I was bending my neck to look at him. 

"I'd drop the knife if I were you love. Unless you want my intentions for your brother to change." I hesitated before dropping the knife on the bed, he smirked.

"Why don't you just hurt me instead."

"No sweetheart, I'm not going to hurt you."

"Then why do you want me here." 

"Well love, One of my boys, I believe you met him earlier, found a diary of yours a few months ago, and let's just say I was rather intrigued." I raised an eyebrow at him.

"So your just planning to keep me here? How do you know I won't run away." I looked right into his eyes.

"Well if you do, let's just say you won't have the comfort of sleeping in a bed at night." He smirked again and walked past the curtains. "Get yourself dressed, your clothes are underneath the bed."

 I didn't remember him stealing my bag. 

I looked under the bed to see Khaki green trousers, boots, a black shirt and a belt. 

"These aren't my clothes!" 

"I know love, but if your going to stay here then your going to need to learn to hunt, and you can't do that in a dress." I sighed, "And yes, your going to be learning to hunt today, your bow and arrows are on the other side of the bed." 

"How do I know your not going to look." I asked, as much as he was being nice, I still didn't trust him. 

"At you getting changed? Would it make you feel better if I stood outside?" He asked, I think he was being sarcastic but I still said,


I heard him sigh and he left the hut. I started to get changed into the outfit and tied my hair up. Last of all, I put in the earrings that dad gave me, they had a cross on each one, I don't know what they meant but he used to wear them when he was younger. I picked up the bow and the sack of arrows and left the hut. 

The forest was much prettier in the sunlight. All the boys were doing different jobs and it had a nice atmosphere to it. Some of them were playing catch with a leather ball, some of them were cooking things. I looked around for Pan but couldn't see him anywhere. 

"You seem lost." It was him again, the tall blonde boy, this time he didn't have his hood on. I wondered what he got his scar from, it started just below is eye and finished just over his nose.

"I'm Felix." He held his hand out. I shook it. 

"Y/N." I smiled, he seemed to be less intimidating despite the fact that he tried to kidnap me the day before. "I'm trying to find Pan, don't know where he went do you?" He nodded.

"Here, follow me." I followed him through a crowd of boys who were shooting arrows at targets, they all stopped to look at me. It seemed I was the only girl there. After a few minutes we came to another clearing where there were a group of boys, a huge crate of apples and Pan. 

"There you are." He said, grabbing my arm and pulling me over to where he was standing. "Now, your going to show me how good you are at archery. See those three boys over there," He pointed to three boys who were lines up but at different distances, one was about 2 meters away, one was about 4 and one was probably 8, "Now, each of them are going to balance apples on their head, your going to shoot all of the apples without harming a single one of them." I nodded, it seemed rather easy. Dad had already trained me way harder things than this. And that was when I saw my chance to prove my skill. Felix and some other boys were balancing berries on their heads about 15 meters away. I smirked to myself. 

I lined up my arrow and hit the first apple, then the second then the third. All of them started to clap and Pan was about to say something when I held my hand up,

"Hold on, I'm not finished." I said.

I aimed over at Felix who was balancing a tiny strawberry on his head, he had no clue I was aiming at him, he was too far away. 

I let go of the arrow and it hit the strawberry perfectly, nailing the berry to a tree just behind Felix. Everyone looked shocked but soon they all started clapping. I looked over to Pan who was smirking widely,

"Good enough for you?" I asked.

"Most certainly love, now, it's getting late and I promised the boys I'd give them another song tonight round the fire, care to join us?" He held out his hand and I took it. 

"I'd be honored." 

Now I know I probably shouldn't be encouraging him, after all, he had my brother in a cage, but he looked for me, he came to me and that made me feel important. 

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