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My plan was to get Henry back. So just like a planned, I waited for the rest of them to fall asleep then I got up and packed my things, including my weapons and I slowly tip toed over to where my dad was sleeping. The map was still tucked in his boot, that's where he kept everything.  I slowly slid the map from the boot, he stirred a little but didn't wake up. I left our camp with the map in my hands and my arrows and bag on my back. I followed the path that dad had drawn on the map that led to the camp, it was closer than I thought and it was only a few minutes before I heard pipe music and saw the smoke of a fire in the air. I kept walking until I was just a few trees away from his camp, it was just like dad told me. The Lost Boys were dancing around the fire to the music, it seemed quite fun actually. Right in the center of them was a boy, just a bit taller than me, playing a pipe instrument. It was Pan. Just behind him, I could see some hanging boxes that seemed to have people in them, and I instantly recognized the blue pyjama's. Henry. 

I planned to go round the back and shoot Pan from behind after freeing Henry from his cage, so I started making my way round the trees. Everything was going smoothly until the music stopped, and so did the boys. They looked towards Pan who stood up.

"It seems we have a visitor." He announced and looked in my direction. My heart skipped a beat and I started running back to our camp, I had heard my dad saying that Pan once got all of his boys to chase him and there was no outrunning them. But when I looked behind me, there was just one. The tall blonde one again. Why was it always him?

I turned my head back around and suddenly noticed a huge log in front of me, I should have never turned around, It was too late to stop or change direction and I tripped forward. I tried to crawl away but I could feel a tug on my sleeve. I tried to crawl away but his other hand now had a grip of my arm, I still tried to pull away but he pulled me up on my feet. 

"Please, I didn't do anything wrong to you or Pan, let me go." I told him, my hand reaching for the dagger that I tucked in my belt. His hand reached for my other arm and he tied my wrists in front of me. 

I went behind me and gave a little push so I started walking, with my hands tied together I tried to reach for my dagger and I finally felt the leather handle of it. I grabbed it and quickly turned around, holding it to his neck.

"Untie my hands or i'll stab you." I was serious, I would do it if I needed to. I was edging closer to his throat when a twig snapped behind me.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you, he's my head boy." I turned around to be face to face with Pan. "Hiya Love, I was waiting for you to come." He raised it eyebrows and smirked. I didn't know what to do, my hands were tied and I was trapped between to guys who were both taller than me. After a few seconds, I kneed Pan in the nuts and kicked backwards in the same place. While they were both bending over in pain I cut the rope on my hands with a sharp branch that was on a tree and ran back to camp. After a couple of minutes I could see our camp, the fire was lit, they were awake. I kept running and finally made it. 

"Y/N! Where have you been?!" Dad ran over to me and hugged me.

"I saw Pan, I escaped though. He has Henry in a cage." 

"You went to his camp?! Y/N what were you thinking?!" Mum yelled, I looked at my feet,

"No Emma, she was right to do so, we now know how to get to Henry, and Pan." Dad lifted my chin and winked, "Well done champ." I beamed. "Now come on, get to bed." I nodded, put all my stuff next to my bed, apart from my dagger which I kept on my belt in case, and got into bed. 


~Pans camp~

"She is strong, I'll give you that." Felix said to Pan.

"She'll be back, her and her team, I'll get her then." Pan looked through the diary. 

"But Pan, if they know that you tried to get her, they aren't going to bring her with them, and if they did they wouldn't let you go anywhere near her."

"Fine, I'll have to get her some other way, they won't be awake yet, this time I will lead. Go get Devin and the rest of them, I will get her if it's the last thing I do." Felix nodded and went to get the rest of the Boys


~Hook's camp~

"Y/N! Y/N!" I was woken by dad, It was still dark. 

"Y/N get your dagger and get behind me." I did so, grabbing my dagger. I looked beyond my dad to see a huge group of lost boys surrounding us. 

"Dad I'm just going to get my bow, it will be more helpful." I said,

"Alright, be quick." I turned around and crouched down to pick up my bow and my sack of arrows, but when I stood back up, a hand had wrapped itself round my mouth and another one round my waist. I tried to scream but a cloth was then wrapped round my mouth and I was flung over the person's shoulder. It was Pan.

I tried thumping on his back with my fists but it didn't work. 

"Don't bother love, I've been looking for you for months, this time your not escaping." I hated the way he was charming but intimidating at the same time. I realized I still had my dagger attached to my belt so I reached down to its pouch but it wasn't there. 

"Looks like I'm still one step ahead of you sweetheart." His voice annoyed me, but in a way, I liked it. I knew I shouldn't but I couldn't deny that he was good looking. I sighed and gave up and after a few minutes I fell asleep, still on his shoulder.

Not going to lie, I was expecting to wake up in a cage, like the one that I saw Henry in. But instead, I woke up in a normal bed, just like my own at home. I was in a hut and there was a particularly nice smell. I sat up to see that my bed was surrounded by slightly transparent curtains. Through them, I could just make out the figure of someone cooking something. 

"Morning Love." 

Pan (peter pan ouat x reader)Where stories live. Discover now