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I woke up in the middle of the night to a quiet scream. It took me a while to recognize my surroundings, in Pan's bed. I got out of bed and went to put my feet down but there was something there. 

"Are you ok love?" It was Pan, he was sleeping on the floor. 

"Why are you sleeping right next to my bed?" I asked, standing up on a piece of floor that wasn't covered by his body.

"I wanted to make sure your safe, where are you going?" He sat up and I turned around, I didn't want him following me. 

"It's ok, I just need some fresh are, I won't run away I promise." He raised an eyebrow, 

"How do I know you won't?" 

I bent down and kissed him on the cheek, 

"Would I kiss someone who wasn't worth staying with?" He smirked as I stood back up and left the hut. 

That scream was too recognizable for me to ignore so I rushed over to where the cages were hanging and I found the one that held Henry, just as I had guessed, he was sat up, sweating and breathing fast.

"Hey, Henry, it was just a nightmare it's ok." I held the wooden bars to the cage as he crawled to the side.

"Y/N!" He shouted,

"Shhhh! It's the middle of the night and Pan doesn't know I'm here." His smiled turned into a frown,

"Why aren't you in a cage? Did you just come from Pan's hut?" 

"Look, Henry, he isn't going to hurt you, he was just using you to get to me. Mum and dad and the others are here, on the island for you, and you will get to go home. I promise." I held his hand through the gap in the bars.

"What about you though? Aren't you coming home with us?" 

"Henry, I love you, and you can tell mum and dad I said the same for them. But there is no way Pan is going to let me go." 

"But Y/N-"

"No Henry, now go back to sleep, it's late. I'll try talk to you tomorrow." I let go of his fingers and backed away slowly, watching him lay back down. But when I turned around 

"Just some fresh air?" Pan was there. He always seemed to be there when I turned round, with his arms crossed and his eyebrow raised. 

"Pan-" I started but he grabbed my arm and lead me back to the hut. He didn't say anything, just walked me to my bed, watched me tuck myself in and went back to his position on the floor. 

"Do you want me to sleep on the floor, you can have the bed?" I offered, trying to get on his good side again.

"No. You need to be comfortable." 

"Please," I started getting out of bed so he could get in, "I insist." He stood up quickly, slamming me on the bed.

"I told you to sleep on the bed!" His hands were pinning my shoulders down and his body shadowed over mine. Tears were forming in my eyes from the pain of the grip he had. His frown relaxed as he realized what he was doing and he let go, backing away. "Y/N. I'm so sorry I-"

"No it's ok, I was getting on your nerves. But your sure you don't want to have the bed?" He looked at me for a second,

"We could both have the bed? If it's ok with you?" He looked into my eyes, he looked genuinely sorry. I nodded and shuffled over to the other side of the bed. He climbed in and smiled at me, I smiled back as he wrapped his arm round my waist, pulling me into him. 

"I'm sorry." I said into his chest. 

"You have nothing to be sorry for." He ran his hand up and down my back and used his other hand to play with my hair.

I hugged him tightly. 


I was woken up by a couple of voices outside, I couldn't quite make them out but I was comfortable in Pan's arms and couldn't be bothered to move. A few seconds later they knocked on the door but Pan wasn't moving and I didn't want to disturb him so I stayed where I was. I was facing into Pan's chest so I couldn't see anything but I could hear the door creak open and footsteps. There was whispering

"Should we wake them up?"

"No, they look peaceful."

"What's going on?" A voice followed the others, it was Felix's and he wasn't whispering. Pan started  to move and suddenly he sat up and so did I to see a little crowd of boys watching us. I covered myself with the blanket.

"What are you all doing?!" Pan shouted,

"One of the cages was broken this morning, it's empty." Devin stated, stepping forward from the others. 

"Which cage was it? Who did it hold?" I leaned forward, still trying to cover myself with the duvet, I wasn't all that comfortable with the boys seeing me in a night dress. 

"We will go see, now all of you out!" He ushered them out the door and shut it behind them. I relaxed and let go of the duvet, climbing out of bed and picking up my clothes. 

"Do you want me to go outside while you get changed?" He asked.

"No it's ok, just as long as you don't look." He smiled to himself, I guess it made him feel happy that I trusted him. 

I pulled the curtains across and started to get changed into my outfit. I looked at my bedside table where two pairs of earrings sat. I picked up the feathered ones and put them on, leaving my crosses behind. 

"Hey I'm ready, I want to make sure it isn't Henry that escaped. He could be in danger." Pan walked over to me and looked at the earrings, wrapping his arms around my neck and pulling me in for a kiss,

"Don't worry, I'm sure he's alright," He said in between kisses, "You look beautiful by the way." I giggled as we both pulled away. 

"Come on," I said, "I need to make sure he's ok." I grabbed Peter's hand and left the hut, making our way to the hanging cages. One of them looked completely battered, and empty. 

"No!" I let go on Pan's hand and started running to the cages, "No that's Henry's cage!"

"It's ok Y/N, we'll find him. Go get your bow and arrows and meet me back here." I nodded and went to get my weapons. When I got back, Pan was holding out my dagger, "Here, I took it when I first brought you here, I didn't want you to stab me in my sleep." I laughed a bit and took it from him. "Now let's go, he can't have gone far."

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