New Life

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After a few months, It was only a week until my due date. When I looked down, I couldn't even see my feet anymore, I was exhausted, Moody and ill. I hated it. Peter wouldn't let me do anything for myself, either he did it for me or he got one of the boys to do it instead. There was one day where I felt different, strangely different. 

I woke up with a sharp pain in my chest, I couldn't breath properly. Pan was already awake and I couldn't get to him. I tried to get up to get a drink but fell when I tried to get up. I lay on the floor for a few minutes, unable to get up or yell for help when Peter came through the door with a flask. 

"Y/N!" He put the flask aside and helped me up and back onto the bed, "Here, I have the age allowing potion, you need to take it a week before your due date, which is now." Peter handed me the flask and I took it, raising it to my lips and waiting for something to come out of it. A tasteful liquid flowed into my mouth, it was sharp and refreshing. After I finished it, Peter took the flask away, "The potion will allow our child to grow until about twelve years of age, then their age will freeze." I nodded as he kissed me on the forehead and walked out the door. 


I had a few visits from some of the boys, most of them were from Devin and Felix. When evening came, I listened to the sound of Peter's pipe at the campfire, I wasn't allowed outside so I watched through the window. I attempted to get up to go join then but when I got off the bed, I felt a warm liquid splash against my feet and I gasped as my stomach suddenly felt tight and I could feel something moving. I collapsed on the bed and yelled in pain, I could hear Peter's pipe stop and the boys murmuring as I yelled again. 

Pan burst through the door and rushed over, calling some of the boys in, 

"Devin! Felix! Lucas! Go get some water and fabrics!" They nodded and left as Peter started to get me into a squat position on the bed, covering me with a blanket after. When the three boys came back, they gave Peter the things and Lucas left, leaving Devin and Felix standing by me incase Pan needed help. 

I was in so much pain, I don't remember much, it all went so fast, but the last thing I could remember was screaming, and the last thing I saw was Peter at the end of my bed.


I didn't know how long I had been asleep. I woke up in my bed, nobody was there, it was quiet. I got up easily, which felt wrong, I felt so light. As I walked outside I could see the boys crowding around Peter who was on the ground next to a whole with a small bundle in his arms. My heart stopped and I walked faster towards them,

"What is that?" I asked, pointing to the thing Peter was holding. They all looked at me with harrowed faces. I swallowed hard and cleared my throat, "What are you doing?" 

"Love we have to bury him." I started shaking. It was a him. I had a baby boy. I frowned as I looked at the bundle. It twitched. Maybe it was just movements from Peter's arm, so I kept looking at it. It moved again. 

"No wait." I stepped forward again, stopping Peter from lowering it into the hole, I took it from him.

"Love don't look at it." I ignored him and started to unwrap the blanket. It's small body was purple with cold, but it was breathing, I gasped and held it tight, trying to warm it up. Peter was looking at me,

"It's not dead." I breathed as his eyes widened and he stood up. He stood over the small human in my arms and his eyes started to glimmer with tears. He turned around to the boys and nodded to them as they all breathed a sigh of relief. 

"You should go inside and get him warmed up, I'll be there in a minute." I smiled and rushed back to the hut, grabbing my best blanket from my bed and cradled him, sitting on the chair and humming to him. His skin started to change back to a normal color and I noticed his beautiful features. His hair was dark and thick and his eyes were a vibrant green. He was unique. 

After a while, he fall asleep in my arms and I looked at him until Peter came in with some of the boys, they were carrying a hand made cot. It was amazing, it was intertwined with vines and flowers and it had curved legs so that it could rock. They placed it in the middle of the floor and I happily stood up, gently lowering the baby down onto the padded bottom. 

The boys left me and Peter on our own, we spent a while looking at the baby in the cot, smiling at our little human. 

"What do you want to name him?" I looked to Peter.

"I was thinking, maybe Henry?" I smiled at him and nodded. "Henry Pan." The name spun around my head and I sighed with content at my new life.

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