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The next morning, Pan allowed me to have a lie in while he prepared for the day. To be fair, he woke up ridiculously early to start hunting. 

Unfortunately I was woken up by a tap on the window which was just above my bed. I kneeled up to see Devin and Felix so I opened the window.

"Y/N you need to brace yourself." Felix said, I gave him a confused face and he carried on, "We were hunting with Pan and he found the stick!" My eyes widened. 

"You said you would hide it where he would never fine it!"

"He's on his way, sorry Y/N, we need to go." Devin said, pushing Felix away and closing the window. I got back under the blanket like nothing ever happened and braced myself. 

The door banged against the wall as Peter pushed it open.

"Good morni-"I started.

"Don't give me that! What the hell is this?!" He held the yellow stick in front of his face. I swallowed hard. 

"Sorry." I looked down and fiddled with the edge of the blanket.

"Don't give me that! Why didn't you tell me?!" 

"I forgot." I tried to keep me cool. 

"No you didn't! Why didn't you tell me!" He starred at me right in the eye. "Well?!" 

"BECAUSE I DIDN'T WANT IT TO BE TRUE!" I yelled and turned away from him.

"What?" He walked to the other side of the bed so he was facing me. "Y/N, you said you were ready." 

"I didn't want to disappoint you." Tears rolled down my cheeks as I tried to hide my face in my pillow.

"Oh love," He turned my chin so we were face to face and he wiped away my tears, "You should have said, I don't want to feel like I'm forcing you into it."

"No, I agreed to it, it's not your fault. I'm just scared." More tears ran down my face and he sat me up and hugged me, rubbing my back. 

"I'm sorry love, I should have noticed there was something wrong." I didn't say anything, I just buried my face into the crook of his neck. "Why don't we take the boys to have a picnic on the beach?" He asked, I nodded and he picked me up and we set outside.


Pan carried me to the beach while the boys brought the food. I had never spent that much time at the beach, I was always to busy. But it was beautiful, the sea sparkled as it pushed up against the sand. And the sand was the softest feeling on your feet. We sat just a few meters away from the water and set out the baskets of food, most of them were filled with some of the exotic fruits that grew in Neverland and the rest were filled with Mini-Boar meat. 

As we started to eat, I felt some pretty weird urges and I followed them so I picked up a slice of Boar Pork and spread some smashed mango onto it. I would have thought it would taste weird but as soon as I ate it, I immediately wanted more. It was when I was about to take another bite, I noticed Peter, Devin and Felix staring at me. 

"What?" I looked up at them,

"Nothing Love. It's just that I don't think that's a very common mixture." Peter's eyes darted to the food in my hand and then back to me. 

"Oh I know what this is," We all looked to Devin, "Pregnant people get cravings, it's like they feel a strong urge to eat weird things, I heard that some people eat coal!" 

"Coal? That's gross!" Felix said and we all laughed. 

"Hold on a second." Peter started, "When you were stabbed by the mermaids, were you?" I looked to the floor and took a breath,

"Yeah, I was pregnant." His face suddenly changed, he looked like he had seen a ghost. "But it's ok, the wound wasn't deep enough to affect anything." He relaxed his face and we carried on eating. 

We spent the evening on the beach, Peter even lit a fire and the boys danced on the beach instead of the camp, it was beautiful, the stars were out, the waves were gently moving in the background and Pan's pipe gave a magical atmosphere. 

Once the boys started getting tired, they made their way back to camp one by one and Peter had to go with them to make sure they were safe. I let Devin and Felix go on ahead of my so I could have some time on the beach on my own. I sat on the sand, watching the sea coming in and out. After ten minutes I decided to back to camp so I got up and started walking. 

When I got there, all of the boys were fast asleep with was unusual for them, I made my way into Pan's hut just in time to see him being surrounded by red smoke and then disappear. Once the smoke cleared, I saw Regina, Mr Gold and Dad. I stood there staring at them for a moment before Dad whispered something to Regina. She walked over to me, holding a gold wand in her hand. Before I had a chance to run, She waved the wand over my head and I fell to the floor. 


When I woke up, I was in a building. A proper one. I was in my house back in Storybrook. 

"No. No No No!" I got out of my bed and rushed over to my door, trying the handle. It was locked. "Let me out!" Nobody was there. 

Pan (peter pan ouat x reader)Where stories live. Discover now