Lost and Found

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Me, Pan and a group of Pan's most trusted boys left to find Henry. We had been searching for about an hour until we came upon some very familiar trees.

"No. We can't go any further, this is my parents' camp." I said, stopping.

"That's why we are here, this is probably where he is, we just need to make sure." Pan held my hand and we kept going. Once we were on the hill overlooking their camp, we stopped. "Stay here, me and the boys will take care of this, I don't want you getting hurt." I nodded and he kissed me one last time before he left and I hid behind a tree. 

"Hey Hook! Up here!" I poked my head past the tree as Pan shouted down to the camp, I wanted to see what was happening. Mum, Dad and the others appeared by the fire with Henry.

"Where is my daughter Pan!" Dad yelled up at him. "Give her back! We know you have her! I swear if you have hurt her one bit I will-"

"Calm down captain! Your daughter is in safe hands! Mine!" Dad got really angry at that and started running up the hill towards Pan, he had his hook ready to strike and it had purple liquid covered all over it. I realized what it was. Nightshade, the most poisonous thing you could find in Neverland. I didn't know if Pan saw it coming so I jumped in front of him and the hook pierced my collar bone. I tried not to scream so I just clenched my jaw and sunk into Pan's arms. 

"No! Look what you've done!" Pan pushed dad down the hill, "Y/N I know your smart, tell me what to do, how do I make it better?!" His hand stroked my face and Devin placed a ripped piece of his shirt on the wound. 

"Pan listen, there is a waterfall by the south cove, there is a cave behind the waterfall, it holds a tiny pond with healing water. I've seen dad use it before, you need to get it quickly." He nodded and handed me to Felix.


Peter's Pov~

Peter and Felix travelled for four days to the south cove to find the water for Y/N. 

"Do you know what the water will do Pan?" Felix asked as they climbed the hill. 

"No idea, but I need to get it quickly. South Cove should be just beyond this hill come on." 

Pan rushed up the hill and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the waterfall. 

"It's here. You might want to stay here and keep a look out while I go behind the waterfall." Pan told Felix, running to the waterfall. Before Felix could say anything, Pan had already made his way through the rushing water. And after a few minutes he emerged with a full flask and a successful look on his face.


The next thing I remembered was lying in my bed back at Pan's hut. There were boys sat all around me. 

"Hey your awake." Devin placed his hand on mine, 

"Mhm, how long has it been since it happened?" I asked,

"About a week, Pan and Felix have been away for days trying to find the waterfall you were speaking of." 

"Devin, I need you to get Pan's most trusted boys, you know who they are, and get them to steal something from Hook's camp, its a blue book and it has a picture of a purple flower on the front, it will be in a black leather bag, I need it today so tell them to get it quickly." He nodded and stood up to speak to a group of the boys and they left. 

"They are going to be as fast as they can." I smiled.

Devin and I talked for a few minutes before Pan and Felix burst through the door with a huge flask. Pan rushed over and gave me the flask,

"Pan look, I need to wait for your boys to get a book that I asked for, I need it before I drink this."

"Love your dying, we can't wait." 

"Peter, I have to have the book, if your really that worried then go help the boys find my book, maybe that will speed things up." He nodded, gave me a kiss on the forehead, told Felix something quietly and left. 

"Are you ok?" Felix sat down on the other side of my bed.

"I'm fi-" A sudden sharp sting covered my collarbone and I yelled.

"Y/N! What's happening?!" Felix grabbed my hand,

"I'm fine I'm fine I just really need Pan to get me that book." 

"Alright, well why don't you get some rest, go to sleep, I'll wake you up when Pan is back." I nodded and settled down into the pillows and fell asleep.

"Y/N. Y/N I have your book." Pan gently shook me awake. 

I could barely move, and I couldn't see. 

"Pan, go to page 76, tell me what it says about the magic water." 

He turned to the page and started reading. 

"The magic water of Neverland, This water is found in the south Cove only, in a small cave behind the waterfall. It is the only cure for an attack of nightshade. Warning: Drinking the magic water will prevent you from leaving Neverland ever again. Y/N, you won't be able to go back to your world, why didn't you tell me?" 

"I couldn't I was in too much pain. But it's ok, I want to drink it." 

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