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A few weeks after dad's ship left, I regained my strength and decided that I wanted to explore the island a bit more. 

"Hey Devin?" Devin was making more clothes for some of the boys, 

"Hey Y/N, how's your wound doing?" He asked. I didn't really like people asking about it, it left a giant scar and I hated looking at it and knowing that it was my dad's doing.

"The scar still hasn't faded, I don't think it will ever fully fade, have you seen Peter I need to ask him something."

"Yeah he's picking berries." Devin didn't look up, he kept his eyes on his stitching. 

"Picking berries? Since when did he pick berries?" 

"I dunno, but he's just through those bushes." He pointed to the bushes ahead of him,

"Thanks Dev." I followed where he pointed through the bushes. 

I have to say, I was quite surprised to see Peter with a basket hanging on his arm, picking berries.

"Hey Peter." 

"Hello sweetheart, you okay?" I nodded as he continued to pick the berries, "You want something don't you love." 

"Peter I want to explore the island. If i'm going to live here then I need to know the place." He looked up from the berries and smiled,

"Well it just so happens that I need to get some pondweed so you can come with me to the mermaid lake if you want, I have to warn you though, the mermaids can get a bit violent." 

"That's ok, I can do violent." He smirked and handed me the basket that was full of red and purple berries,

"Could you take these back to my hut, then meet me back here and we can set off." I nodded and made my way back to his hut. But on the way there I bumped into Felix, literally, and dropped some of the berries,

"Rats, sorry Y/N, here let me help you." He tried to help me pick some of the berries up but most of them were squashed,

"It's useless, Peter's going to kill me."

"Hold on. These are FireHusk Berries, did Peter tell you why he was picking these?" I shook my head, "The only potion I know of that contain FireHusk berries the age allowing spell."

"Well what does the age allowing spell do?"

"It basically makes someone age as if they were in the real world to a certain age and then they stop aging like the rest of us. The age that they stop growing depends on how strong you make it."

"Why would anyone use that spell?"

"Well it's usually used when a baby is born in Neverland and you don't want it to stay a baby. Wait, Y/N, are you-"

"No i'm not, me and Pan haven't even done anything like that."

"I think you need to speak to him." Felix finished putting the remaining berries in the basket, 

"Yes I think I do." I gave a quick smile to Felix, put the basket in Pan's hut and went to find him. 

"Peter we-" I started as I walked up to him,

"Are you ready to go?" He interrupted,

"Yes, but we need to-"

"Come on then." He took my hand and we started walking.

"Peter we need to talk."

"Go on."

"You were collecting FireHusk berries. There is only one potion that contains FireHusk berries." I stopped walking and he looked at me. 

"This wasn't really the way that I wanted to ask you. But I want to try for one." He took both my hands and looked me in my eyes.

"Try for what?" I knew his answer, I just didn't want him to say it.

"A child." I sighed, "What's the problem?" 

"I'm 16 Peter, your 17 and I don't think we are ready." His smile dropped and the glint in his eye faded, I hated when that happened. It was like I was washing all of his happiness away. "Alright fine," He looked back up at me, "We can try, but when?" 

"Tonight." He smiled wider,

"Tonight?!" He nodded, "Alright then, well if we are going to be having a long night tonight then I'd rather have a relaxing day." 

"I agree, come on, let's go back and we can practice some archery?" I nodded has he took my hand and we wondered back to camp.

"Hey Y/N can I speak to you?" Felix walked up to us.

"Uh sure, I'll be back Peter, why don't you go set up the archery." He nodded and let go of my hand as I followed Felix. He lead me into a small clearing in the forest where Devin was standing. 

"So what happened, what did he say?" They both looked at me expectantly. 

"Alright, guys if I'm going to tell you anything, you have to keep it a secret yes?" They both nodded, "Well, he wants to try to a child, and he wants to start trying tonight." 

"And what did you say?" Devin asked, 

"I said yes, I'm still terrified about it though."

"Well, just keep the windows and door shut and make sure nobody else can hear you." Felix joked and we all laughed.

"Oh gosh, I better get back to Pan, I'll see you guys later. Either that or you'll hear me." I left them laughing behind me. 

It was already pretty dark, but archery was better in the dark, it was more fun so I found Pan near the targets.

"Hey love."

"Hey, what did Felix want?" 

"Oh he was just asking some advice on his um hair. Anyway, I bet I can hit bullseye on that one!" I pointed to the target that was furthest away. 

"Go on then, let's see you hit it." He smirked and crossed his arms, watching as I lined up my arrow. I took a deep breath and hit the bullseye right in the center. "Impressive love."

Suddenly there was a faint sound of music, the boys were singing again and dancing round the fire. 

"Looks like they've been on the beer again." Peter said and we both laughed. "Seeing as they are all distracted, Why don't we go have some fun." I smiled and he took my hand, leading me to his hut, avoiding the boys. 

When we got inside he slammed me down on the bed and started to take his shirt off. I guess my face gave it away when he asked me,

"Love, are you ok?" 

"Yeah I'm just a bit scared, I have never done this before." 

"Don't worry love, I'll be gentle seeing as it's your first." He smirked and climbed under the duvet where I was laying.

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