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I was woken up to the sound of the crew working hard on deck. That was the one thing I hated about staying on the boat, the crew were always up early and were usually quite loud when they were working. 

"Morning Y/N." I sat up when I saw mum walking down the stairs to my room. 

"Morning." I stretched and rubbed my eyes before stepping out of bed and slipping my shoes onto my feet. 

"Sorry about last night, guess it was a bit stressful for you." 

"Yeah, I'm just worried about Henry. I know they won't hurt him but if he is scared of the monster under his bed then he must be terrified right now." She nodded and sighed.

"We are planning on setting off and finding somewhere to camp in the next ten minutes so I suggest you get ready to go, we don't know how long we will be here." 

"Ok." I watched her climb back up the stairs to the deck and I got my second beg ready with my dagger, my bow and arrow and the rest of my things. Unfortunately I had to leave my books behind, apart from the Neverland wildlife one, I thought it might come in handy. 

I attached my bow and dagger to my belt and slung my bag and my arrows over my shoulder. I wasn't usually one for violence unless violence against me of my friends, I could be deadly. So I carried weapons whenever we visited Neverland, I wouldn't put violence past Peter Pan and his boys, thought I had never met him, but the stories from my dad were enough to warn me of the dangers. 

I climbed up the stairs to the deck to be greeted with the bright shine of  the sun, there were no clouds but it was still quite cold. 

"Morning Y/N." Snow greeted me with a hug, "We didn't get a proper chance to say hello last night."  I smiled and nodded, starting to make my way over to my dad.

"Hey chickpea, are you ready to go find camp?" 

"Yeah, are we going now?" I asked, he nodded. 


Snow, Charming, Regina, Mum, Dad and me left the ship and jumped onto the beach below. Everyone was armed, Mum and Dad had the same weapons as me, Regina had her magic, Snow had her bow and arrows and Charming had his legendary sword. 

We started travelling through the woods, trying to find a place to stay that was near Henry but not too close. Eventually we found a clearing that was apparently about ten minutes away from Pan's camp. Dad had a map in his hands which I assumed was what he was using to see where Pan's camp was. 

I stayed, sat on a log while the others went to find fruit, it was my job to check the food when they got back to see if it was safe to eat or not. I was sat there waiting for about ten minutes when I heard a twig snap. I could see in the reflection of the little river that ran by that there was someone behind me, watching me. I got one of my arrows out but before I could shoot it they were gone. I recognized them, it was the tall blonde boy in the hood that had taken my diary a few months before. 

I was thinking about following him but the rest of them were back.

"Here, can you check through these baskets of fruit, I'll start a fire." Dad said, setting down three baskets of fruits in front of me. 

I checked through each and ever piece of fruit and found them in the book. The two baskets of larger fruits were all safe to eat but then I came to the basket of berries. I recognized them straight away, Gruff berries. 

"Hey dad!" I shouted, he turned around and walked over, "These berried are gruff berries, they are poisonous," I told him, pointing to the little, round, purple berries in one corner of the basket, "I'm not sure how many of the other berries in the basket that they have touched so we will have to through away all of them. The other two baskets are ok though." 

"Alright, I'll get Regina to dispose of them, good job Y/N." He winked and carried the basket over to Regina. I smiled, it was nice to know that I could help. It was starting to get dark already, I had been sorting through the baskets for at least an hour and the rest of the day was wasted trying to find a place to sleep so I started to unpack my night things. 

We didn't pack much, we had to travel lightly because as dad had said, we didn't know what was going to happen. So I got out my sleeping bag and set it down onto the floor. I didn't change into different clothes for the night as I would usually do because it wouldn't be very convenient if we suddenly had to move in the middle of the night and I was stuck in night clothes. I dropped my bag down at the top of my sleeping bag for me to use as a pillow and went to find the others who were sat round the fire. Before I got there, I heard them talking, so I hid behind a tree and listened. 

"You shouldn't have brought Y/N, things could get messy and she could end up being taken as well, she is only 13." I heard Regina saying, I clenched my fists but stayed behind the tree.

"She knows how to handle herself Regina," Dad started, "She may be 13 but she has had the best training any girl her age could ask for and she could easily take out Pan with the right motivation, and you know how much she cares for Henry. Maybe she is just what we need." I beamed, I knew Dad would stand up for me. Dad always trusted me more than Mum, she was overprotective and that was nice, but she never let me do anything myself, So I was always glad that Dad was there to stand my ground. 

But I was still annoyed by what Regina had said. So I made a plan, I saw the map sticking out of Dad's boot. I knew what I was going to do. So I made my way back to my bed and settled down. I closed my eyes and lay there, I wasn't going to go to sleep, I was going to wait until the others were asleep. Then I would a

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