I love you too

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"If your sure." Pan said before raising the flask to my lips. I drank it, all of it and before I knew it, my head fell back. I couldn't move or speak, but I could still hear. And I could still feel. I felt Pan's panicked hands holding my face.

"Y/N! Y/N! Y/N wake up! wake up! All of you out!" As far as I was aware, they all left, leaving Pan alone with my seemingly dead body. I wasn't dead, I couldn't be. 

"Y/N please, you can't die, I love you. I love you." It seemed like that was the magic word, the tension in my body relaxed. I opened my eyes to see Pan walking away with his head down. 

"I love you too." I replied weakly. He turned around with serious tears in his eyes and running down his face. 

"Y/N!" He rushed over and hugged me tightly, making out with me at the same time. 

"Whoa whoa whoa, your squashing me a bit love." I sat up and continued kissing him, but he pulled away harshly with a frown on his face. "What is it, are you ok?" I asked,

"You called me love." He said, the frown still on his face, 

"Did you not want me to?" 

"No i've just been waiting for you to say that for ages." He continued kissing me and I smiled into the kiss. "Are you strong enough to get up?" He asked,

"I'll need a bit of help but I should be able to." He nodded and held both my arms, helping me out of bed. He wrapped his jacket round my shoulders and put his arm around me to help me walk outside. 

"Everyone! I have an announcement!" He yelled and all the boys gathered round, "Y/N is going to live!" I smiled as they all cheered and a few of them came up to hug me. Pan did get a bit jealous but I just squeezed his hand. 

"What's the celebration?" Mum, Dad, Henry and the others emerged from the bushes with their weapons ready.  I looked at dad, "Y/N! Are you alright?".

"I'm fine, but please! Don't hurt any of the boys!" They all lowered their weapons, "Same for you boys!" I told them rest of them. I tried to walk over to dad but stumbled. Luckily Pan caught me before I could hit the ground but when he did, dad had his hook out, ready to strike Peter again. 

"Dad put the hook away, please, he's just helping me walk." He hesitated for a second before slowly lowering his hand. "Look dad you need to listen, I'm not leaving. I can't." He raised an eyebrow.

"He has you under a curse hasn't he!" He held his hook out again. Suddenly a pain in my collarbone came across. 

"Y/N. You need to get back to bed." Peter helped me up again, 

"Wait, I will only go inside and rest if dad promises not to harm you or any of the boys." I looked to dad and he nodded. "Alright. But dad you should know, if I find any wounds are found on any of my boys, I will never forgive you." Felix helped me back inside as Peter carried on the conversation. 

"So explain to me Pan, why can't my daughter leave this island." I could still hear them talking through the window of the hut, I kneeled on my bed and watched them. 

"She can't leave because you stabbed her with nightshade. The only cure for nightshade is a special type of water which stops anyone who drinks it from leaving the island. You see, she didn't have a problem drinking it because we're in love." 

"No! Your tricking her! She would never love someone like you!" Mum yelled,

"Your taking advantage of her!" Charming added in.

"No! I love her and she loves me. So if you come near her again you don't know what's going to happen." Peter stepped closer to dad. Dad was breathing so heavily I thought his head was going to burst. 

"Get him." Mum shouted and dad pinned Peter to a tree, his hook round his neck. I had to get out. I stood up and with Felix's help, started to walk outside. When I saw that the others were all pointing their weapons directly at him, I let go of Felix and tried to run, tripping a bit but managing to get there quick enough. 

"Dad! Stop it!" I pulled his hook away for Peter's neck. 

"Y/N you don't understand, he has cursed you, you don't really love him." 

I tried to think of a way to prove to him that it was true. 

"Regina," I said and she looked up at me, "If I was drugged or cursed in any form, I wouldn't be able to remember the past two years would I?" I asked her,

"No, you wouldn't."

"So dad, ask me anything about something that happened in the last two years."

He thought for a moment.

"Alright, the nightmares that Henry has been having, what were they about and what was he afraid of." 

"He dreamt of my 18th birthday. About you two taking me to a pub and staying out late, leaving him in the house on his own with the shadow under his bed. That was what he was afraid of, that's why he had to sleep in my room." 

Henry looked at the ground and I went to him. 

"Henry look at me," He looked up, "Henry, when you go home, I want you to take my pocket knife, if you ever think you see the shadow under your bed again, get the knife out and show it who's boss." I handed him the knife. Then I turned to mum and dad,

"You two have been the best parents I could ask for, but I can't leave, but as long as you promise to visit, I will never forget you. But you need to go home. Please." They both hugged me.

"Come on love." Peter held my arm and pulled my toward him. 

Now I'm not lying when I tell you that Regina, Snow and charming had to drag the others away. Mum and Henry were in tears and dad looked like he had just been stabbed. I hated the sight of them like that, but as they disappeared through the trees I could hear dad yelling

"I love you Y/N!" I cupped my hands round my mouth and shouted,

"I love you too dad!"

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