Pan's arrival

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4 days passed and it was now the day that Pan was supposed to come back. I had visited Wendy's cage every night to make sure she was ok, and I was ready for my chat with Pan about her when he got back. Peter had left me a note before he left, I had only found it 3 days after he left, but it said,

'listen out for the horn on the day of my arrival, when it sounds, you will know I'm close'.

So I stood outside waiting for the horn to sound. And I waited all day. Night came and the horn still didn't sound. I watched all the boys go to bed and sat outside. It must have been midnight when Devin came to find me,

"Are you really going to sit out here all night?" He sat next to me with a green tea and handed it to me.

"Yes, he said he would sound the horn when he was close and I don't want to miss him when he gets back." I took a sip of my green tea.

"Maybe he's just a bit late, or he's forgotten-" 

Then there it was, the horn blew. I stood up, handed my green tea to Devin and started running through the trees in the direction of the sound. I ran and ran until I saw some flames through the trees. 

"Peter!" I shouted, still running through the trees towards the lights.

"Y/N?!" He responded. Then I saw him, his face was lit up, as was mine, "Y/N!" I ran up to hug him and he twirled with me in his arms. 

"Oh I missed you." He kissed my as he put me down.

"Maybe you should continue this when your in your hut." Felix came up behind us and smirked.

"Felix!" I let go of peter and went to hug Felix. "I'm so glad your both ok." They both smiled at me and Peter grabbed my hand.

"You guys walk on, me and Y/N have some catching up to do." Peter nodded to Felix and the others and they over took us, making their way back to camp. "So, should I be worried that your hugging my best friend?" Peter looked at me. I laughed, not thinking he was serious. Then he gave me a serious look.

"Well should I be worried that you have a girl in a cage away from camp?" He stopped walking and looked at me. 

"How do you know about that." 

"I found her while you were away. She just wants to go back to her brothers." 

"That's none of your concern Y/N." He carried on walking, facing away from me but still holding my hand.

"I think it is my concern that you have kidnapped a young girl! She's 12!"

"Y/N enough!" He turned around suddenly, making me jump and carried on walking. He had let go of my hand by now and was walking ahead. I saw my chance while he wasn't looking at started running to where I first found Wendy.

"Y/N! Did Pan say that he would let me go?" She greeted me as I walked up to her. I picked up a large rock from the ground and started hitting it against the cage, after a few hits it came open.

"No he didn't. But I do." I took her hand and lead her deeper into the forest. "Here," I said to her as I dug my hand deep in my pocket and pulled out a glowing pink bean, "Throw it on the ground and think of home, it will get you there, I'll take care of Pan and I will make sure he won't come for you." I handed her the bean and the look on her face was unforgettable.

"Thank you Y/N!" She pulled me into a tight hug, "Good luck with Pan!" She threw the bean on the floor, causing a huge green portal to form in the ground and she jumped in. I smiled and started making my way back to camp. 

When I got there, Pan was stood by the fire with his arms crossed. I nodded a quick hello to him and quickly walked to the hut, hoping he hadn't noticed anything. Once I got into the hut I thought I was safe until he came bursting in, slamming the door behind him. 

"Don't think I don't know what you did!" I tried to ignore him while I started getting ready for bed. "Don't ignore me!" He laid a harsh hand on my shoulder and turned me around, causing me to fall backwards onto the bed with my hands in front of my face for protection. Nothing seemed to happen so I slowly took my hands away from my face to see him looking at me in shock and pity. "Love... I would never hurt you, do you really think that?" He  sat next to me and held my hands in his.

"No I don't think that," I said, "Just a quick reaction I guess." His eyes looked so worried and he pulled me into a tight hug. I could feel his heart going, it was fast. "But I'm not sorry for letting Wendy go, she's 12 and deserves to be with her family." He pushed me away from the hug and stood up, leaning on the end of the bed. 

"It didn't give you the right but I'll let you off. You weren't to know. But don't do it again." I nodded and lay down on the bed. 

"I'm exhausted." I said, starring at the stars through the thatched roof. Peter came and lay next to me. "I'm so glad your back. I never want to be in charge of this place again." He chuckled.

"Don't worry, as long as I live, I won't leave you." He wrapped his hands around my waist and I tucked my face into his chest. "I love you Y/N." I did say it back but it was so muffled.

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