In Charge

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The day after everyone was kidnapped, they were all pretty tired so I had to do a lot of work to keep them all going. So I was cooking the food, fixing some of their clothes, sharpening their swords and sticks. And then I had to start hunting, which clearly didn't agree with me. 

Most of the boys were in their beds, others were just sitting and talking to each other, so I took my bow and arrow and started walking through the woods. It took a while for me to find anything, and nothing was coming to me so I started to climb up a tree to get a better view. I sat there with my bow ready and waited for something to turn up. Then there is was, a twig snapped. I leaned forward to see what was coming. It was a mini hog. I lined up my arrow and aimed, letting go of the arrow and hearing it squeal with pain. Then I jumped down and carried the pig back to camp, tying it to a stick above the fire when I got there. 

Once I had prepared all the food, I called the boys over and handed them each a plate. 

"Your running this place pretty well, I think it's time." Pan told me when it was his turn to collect his food,

"Time for what?" 

"Well, I need to go on a bit of a trip to get some things that I need. It will take about a week, I was waiting until you were ready to run this place on your own so you can handle things while I'm away and I think your ready." I raised my eyebrows at him as he took his food and sat down next to me. 

"A week? I don't think I can handle that, I have only been here for about a month." 

"But the boys all trust you, and they can take care of you, I'll be taking Felix and some of the boys with me but I'll leave Devin here so he can make sure your ok, we will be leaving tomorrow." He continued eating his food as I thought over the next week. 

"Wait. Tomorrow?" 

"Yes is that a problem?" He asked, looking at me and I shook my head. 

After everyone had finished eating they were too tired to do their usual dancing so they just sat around the fire while Pan played his usual tune. He played it for about ten minutes and I ended up falling asleep, my head resting on his shoulder.

The next morning I was woken up by a gentle shake. 

"Morning love," It was Peter, he was up and packing a bag, "I'm just about to leave, I thought I'd let you know." I sat up and watched him gather his things, 

"Are you really going for a whole week?" 

"I'm sorry love, I need to get these things and I would be putting you in more danger if you were to come with me, now I need to go, I'll see you in a week." I nodded and he kissed me on the forehead before he left. I watched out the window as he gathered Felix and some of the other boys and disappeared into the woods. 

Once I was dressed and ready, I went outside to greet the boys that were left, Devin helped me make breakfast for them and even helped me mend some more of their clothes. By mid-day, most of the boys just got bored, so I went to Devin. 

"What can I do so that they aren't bored, they are never like this when Pan is in charge." He sat and thought for a while before standing up and clearing his throat. 

"Alright everyone who's up for a good old fashioned sword fight?!" They all stood up, cheered and formed a circle. Devin pulled a golden ball out of his pocket and threw it on the floor. Suddenly it started glowing and split in two, each half travelling to a person and stopped in front of their feet. The two boys which the ball chose was handed a sword each by Devin and they started. They bounced around, jabbing their swords at one another and missing. The fight ended when eventually, one of the boys' swords touched the other person and everyone cheered.

Devin threw the ball again, this time it was Devin and one of the boys. We all clapped and cheered them on as they circled each other and tried to attack. To my surprise, the other boy won against Devin. So they got back in the circle and Devin threw the ball again, the halves slowly rolled until they landed on Devin again, and then in front of me. We smiled at each other and he threw me a sword, I caught it by the handle. 

We walked side ways in circles, throwing jumps at each other. Then we got more serious, jabbing the blades at each other and blocked each other's swords with our own, this went on for a while and I got a bit dizzy with all the boys chanting so I kept powering my sword forward until eventually, I gently touched his chest with my blade. I smirked as he walked back into the circle. 

I sat out after that, watching them continue playing, and they did, they played for hours, staying in that circle without getting tired. Soon it started getting dark and they all sat round the fire, eating food that Devin made them. I knew I couldn't play Pan's pipe, but once they had finished their food, they were expecting music. 

"Devin can you play me a beat?" I asked and he nodded, he held a hollow piece of wood in his hand and tapped it with rhythm. Once all of the boys were familiar with the tune, I started to sing an old folks song, in a different language. Soon the boys were up and dancing and so was I. We were having the times of our lives. 

After a while things got tiring and the boys were becoming weary so I hummed them all a gentle tune while they went to sleep and then went to my own bed. 

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