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When we got back, the boys were doing their usual evening ritual, dancing around the fire. I stumbled back to the hut while Peter joined the others to play his pipe song. I got into my night dress and climbed into bed, a cold piece of cloth on my stomach. 


"Y/N? It's Felix and Devin can we come in?" 

"Yeah!" I watched as they opened the door and made their way in, shutting the door behind them. I giggled to myself about the height different between them, they looked rather funny when they were standing next to each other. But I had to stop after a few seconds, laughing made my stomach hurt. 

"What happened to you? I thought you and Pan were just going to fetch some ingredients for the age allowing potion." Felix pulled up a chair to the end of the bed and Devin just leaned on the railings.

"We were, but I think I got a bit too interested in the mermaids." I sighed and looked to my stomach, blood was seeping through the cloth. 

"Y/N! Don't you see, you have been attacked in the stomach and your pregnant!" Devin raised an eyebrow.

"Do you think I planned to get attacked by mermaids, speaking of which, did you hide the stick?" I sat up a bit more with pain and looked at the two boys, waiting for one of them to answer. 

"Yeah, he'll never find it." Felix said and Devin nodded in agreement. "Devin we'd better go, the pipe music has stopped and we shouldn't be in here, hope you get better Y/N." I watched as they snuck out the door. 

I got to sleep pretty quickly, but I was never woken up by Pan coming to bed, and he wasn't there when I woke up in the morning. I got up and changed into my outfit, grabbing my bow and arrows. When I went outside, nobody was there, no boys, no Pan. Even the cages were empty. Something definitely wasn't right. I had my dagger at hand and I looked around, trying to find clues. I looked in the air, I looked at the trees, and I looked at the floor. And there is was, boot prints, nobody wore proper boots in Neverland. I took a closer look at the boot, and towards the back of the print, there was a slight curl, and I recognized it like hell. It was one of dad's boots. 

I started to run to the place where Dad last camped and I saw the worst sight I could imagine. Dad, Mum, Snow, Regina and Charming were running a camp of enslaved boys, Pan's boys. And right in the middle was Peter, tied to a tree with Dad pointing his hook and his sword directly at him. 

"DAD!" I shouted from the top of the hill, they all looked up to where I was standing, "DAD STOP IT!" I started to run down the hill, shooting arrows at the ropes that were holding the boys back. I had them all stand behind me while I sorted Pan out. "Let Peter go. He hasn't done anything wrong!" 

"Oh he has done many wrong things!" Dad still had his sword at Peter's neck, "And put that dagger away, you know you wouldn't have the nerve to stab me." 

"Maybe," He was right, I would never stand him, "But I have the nerve to stab myself, and I know you don't want that. Do you Dad." I held the knife to my throat and gave a reassuring nod to Peter.

"Don't be ridiculous Y/N." Dad stared at me right in the eye. I held the dagger closer to my neck, the blade now piercing into my skin. 

"I'd let Peter go now before I start drawing blood." I pushed the point deeper into my throat and watched the pain in my dad's face as he tried to resist it. It seemed he wasn't changing his mind so I harshly jabbed the blade into my skin and I could feel the blood dripping down my neck. 

"Alright alright! I'll untie him just get that things away from your neck." I lowered my dagger and watched dad release Peter from the tree. I stepped forward and hugged Peter tightly and he wrapped his arms around me in return. 

Before we left I checked all of the boys to make sure they were ok, most of them just had rashes from the ropes that they had been tied with. They all seemed fine apart from one, Devin. I checked his hands, his ankles and his neck. It all seemed fine till I looked at his face.

"What the hell happened to your face Devin?!" There was a cut that ran from above his eyebrow, through his eye and to his cheek. His eye was red with blood, your couldn't see his pupil. "Who did it?" I turned around to dad and the others. "You heard me. Who did it." I waited for one of them to reply. 

"It was the blonde one." Felix whispered behind me. I stepped forward until I was face to face with mum and I slapped her across the face. 

"Hurt one of my boys again and you'll get much worse than a slap across the face." I turned around and went back to Devin. "Dad, before you leave, go get me a wet cloth from the tent." He nodded and went into the tent, coming back outside with a grey piece of cloth in his hands. I took it and went back to Devin, "This is gonna sting so just bare with me for a second ok?" He nodded and I pressed the cloth onto his eye and he winced. As I took it off, most of the blood clung to the fabric and his eye was mostly clear. 

I chucked the cloth back in dad's direction and signaled for the boys to start walking back to camp, as they did. Peter took my hand as I looked back to dad and that was the last I saw of them. 

"You were so brave Y/N, I'm proud of you." He squeezed my hand and I looked up to him, about to kiss him when I noticed a bruise. 

"Oh, Peter, I forgot to check you. You've got a bruise on your face." 

"Honestly it's fine, it was just a bit of a punch in the face that's all." He took my hand again and continued walking. 

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