Chapter 7(Allison Argent)

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Aurora's POV:

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Aurora's POV:

I got home after I walked Scott home

We both got home ok but I was still shaken up. Not because of the Alpha,  but because I felt my arrow mark burn when we were in the wood and almost got hit by a car

But right now I was getting ready for school and I was tired as fuck

"You up love?" I heard my dad ask

"yeah dad just tired" I replied to him exhausted

"well I told you not to go to sleep late and come home early" He said kinda angry but kept a soft tone

"I saw something yesterday.." I said a little scared of getting flash backs of the Alpha and his bloody red eyes

"what was it" he asked confused grabbing me as we sat down on my bed

"I saw an Alpha... dad, the way it looked at me made me remember how klaus looked at me when Hope blamed me for something she did" I said with tears spilling out, not from sadness but from anger

"Oh darling" he looked at me with sad eyes. "stop looking at me like that, you know I hate when people do that" I told him wiping my tears from my face nuzzling my head into his chest hugging him tighter

"I'm sorry" he said hugging me harder

"I'm gonna finish getting ready for school, I'll come down in a little bit" I told him

"Ok" he replied kissing me on my forehead then leaving the room

I sighed. I'm so tired of thinking about Klaus and his family, it just tired me. The worst part is when I don't wanna think about then I do and it's just so annoying but I deal with it, I've dealt with it since I was just a child

After I went downstairs and ate breakfast I kissed my dad goodbye and drove to school


Beacon hills high school:

Getting out my car I saw Jackson almost hit Scott and say something but I couldn't hear as I didn't care what he had to say because he was scared of me

Wanna know how I know? Because when I walked up to them he had a hint of fear in his eyes and drove off quickly

"Dumb Ass" I muttered more to myself then Scott

"I know right?, he said something about me ruining his paint job or whatever" Scott said

"Well what he gotta do is get a new car because that shit ugly ass hell, maybe it's the color but it's something" I said

As we were walking up to the school we saw stiles waiting for us

"Hey sorry for leaving you guys last night" he said rushing his words

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