Chapter 8

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Mikaelson compound:

The Mikaelson's were trying extra hard now

They have to find her and bring her home where she belongs

She belongs with them, they're her family how could she just leave

That's what every one of the Mikaelson's thought

Expect Surprisingly Hope

Hope understand why Aurora left, I mean if she was in Aurora's place she would leave too

"Try harder!" Klaus yelled at Freya and Hope that were doing the locator spell

"JUST STOP!" Hope yelled

Everyone looked at Hope with surprised eyes

"Just please stop... I'm tired. My magic has been acting up since she left and you know that.. yet you still make me use it and still make me do it knowing it hurts me!" Hope screamed

"Hop-" Klaus started but Hope interrupted him

"NO! Do you not get it?!? She obviously doesn't want to be found! God I wouldn't want to be found either if I was her! We all hurt her! We all had a part in her disappearance so stop acting like she didn't leave for no reason" she started

"You" she pointed at Klaus and Hayley "you both abused her mentally everyday! And when I did something and tried to actually own up to it you wouldn't listen and yell at Aurora! It got so bad that you!" She pointed at Klaus "her own dad stuck his hand in her heart after I said the dangerous spell we did was MY idea not hers... you almost killed her" Hope said with tears in her eyes

"And you three" she pointed at Elijah, Freya and Rebekah

"You three are just... horrible" She started. "You might have not hurt her in anyway physically but you still hurt her, you ignored and neglected her everyday! And you just expect her to want to come back here?! The place where it all happened! You all traumatized her! Hurt her in some way possible and you act like it never happened when you know it did!" She finished

"And me.... I'm horrible as well, I had a sister and now I don't have one... she's gone because you just couldn't love us equally and had to pick favorites! Rebekah you said you want kids but please don't. You'll be a horrible mother if you couldn't even give your own blood love, she had no one at the time! You could've swooped in and have been a mother to her but no! Someone who's not even her real blood played that role as her mother when it should've been Hayley who knows what it feels like to not have parents!" She yelled at all of them

"Klaus you say you were gonna be nothing like Mikael and be a good father but the truth is, you're no better than him! At least he gave you attention while you ignored your second child when she was right in front of you and needed someone to love her" Hope finished

"What did you just call me?" Klaus asked mad but surprised his daughter called him by his first name

"And me?" Hayley asked just straight up hurt

"Hayley and Klaus. those are your names right?" Hope said. "Oh right it's Andrea and Niklaus!!!" Hope acted surprised. "Oh and I called you that because it sounds right. Maybe I'll change it but not today" she said

"I'll be in my room if you need me but please don't" she said going upstairs to Aurora's old room and sitting on her bed

She decided to explore a bit

She went to the closet first and saw two boxes left in there

One of them had her name on it....

She grabbed it and opened it

She gasped

It was pictures of her and Aurora when they were younger

As she was going through the pictures she saw a letter that looked about 6 years old telling by the dust on it as same with the pictures

She opened it slowly and a bracelet popped out but she was focused on the letter

She started to read it

Dear Hope
I hope this gets to you or you find it someday, I don't hate you. I never did Hope. You're my sister and it would've been pretty hard for me to hate you at all even a little.
Yes you got me in trouble sometimes but you never let Klaus or Hayley ever lay a hand on me as long as you were there. I am writing this message and it's is currently February 3rd 2005 at 2 Am
It's been a year since I left and the only person I really miss out of Klaus and those abusive people is you because you never let it get too bad. I sent this letter through with my magic into the box you have found this letter I am writing in. I love you Hope and I'm glad that you have people that love a cherish you in every way, the letter I had made when I left yeah sorry about that, I didn't mean it. It wasn't your fault but your father and mother's fault. I hope you get this letter and not your parents. Have a great life big sis.
Love Aurora
P.S. the bracelet changes color to know if I'm alive or not
Grey: Dead
Black: passed out
Blue/pink/red or yellow: I'm alive but the colors have a meaning
Blue: I'm sad but you know I'm alive
Pink: I'm flustered but alive
Red: I'm mad but alive
Yellow: I'm happy and living my best life and very much alive!

Hope was crying after reading the letter

She put it down and grabbed the bracelet that fell on the floor and looked to see if it had color on it as it was really old

It did...

But it was a mix of pink and yellow

She was happy but flustered? 'Cool' Hope thought

She put on the bracelet and hugged it close to her chest

3rd POV:

Aurora was focusing in class with her mate behind her when she suddenly got a warm feeling

Hope found the letter and bracelet

After all these years she finally found it

She smiled to herself and turned happily towards her mate that was sitting behind her starting to make conversation as the teacher stopped talking


A/n: good night bitchesss! It's 12 am for me soo peace ❤️✌🏽

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