Chapter 14(The truth and surprised)

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Aurora POV

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Aurora POV

I woke up gasping for air

"Derek?" I asked confused

What the hell was he doing here? Why the hell was he here? Did he see me in my mermaid form? Oh shit

He grabbed my face checking it over

He turned it to the left then to the right and then he hugged me?

The hell was wrong with him?

"Are you ok? Do you need to go home?" He asked me saying it really fast

"Derek I'm fine" I told him trying to brush it off

"You are not fine! I saw you turn into a fish and then you almost drowned! How the hell does a fish drown?!" He yelled getting up and pacing around

"Oh.... You saw that..." I said trying to chuckle it off

"No- No! You don't get to try and brush this off! What the hell was that? And the scream ohhh the damn scream was so loud it hurt me.... Like it actually fuckin hurt me" he said ranting about how loud I screamed

"You saw that too! Wow just wow..." I said still in shock

Wait- what did he mean by I almost drowned?!

"Wait what the hell do you mean I almost drowned?!" I said

That's not supposed to happen! I'm a fish. LITERALLY

"When you screamed you passed out after and all the lights in town turned off" he told me

"How do you know?" I asked

"Internet" he said with sass

What the absolute hell! What happened to him? Why is he so... sassy

"Uhh I mean...I checked the internet" he said correcting himself while making his voice deeper


Wait- what time is it? Shit

"What time is it?!" I asked trying to find my phone

"It's 1 pm, why are you so nervous " he said confused

I sighed in relief

I looked at him and he looked like he realized something

"Why aren't you in school?" He asked confused

This was the conversation I was hoping to avoid

"I um have to leave later" I whispered but he heard me

I could've said 'oh because I'm not feeling well' but he was gonna find out sooner or later

"Where?" He asked

"Uhh New York" I said looking down

"Haha funny. No actually where do you have to go" he said laughing

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