Chapter 22

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I shut my phone off and faced Peter. "Sorry, that was Allison. You're gonna love her" I told him with a smile

"I can't wait" He smiled back and his eyes lit up like my dad whenever a new soul goes to hell  

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Aurora's POV:

Me and Peter were patiently waiting for our mates to come back with Allison.

Who am I kidding? We were both waiting for our mates and we were anything BUT patient.

"What am I going to say to her when I see her? Oh man, will she like me? Will she find me cute? Will she find me annoying?!" Peter rambled nervously thinking about what Allison would think of him. "Peter! calm down. Allison is sweet, she'll love you." I tried to calm him down, but it wasn't working as he was shaking and rocking back and forth.

"You really think she'll like me?" He asked with big wide eyes as he stopped rocking to look at me. "She's gonna love you. I promise" I smiled at him which seemed to work as he calmed down a bit but was still shaking his leg. Peter smiled a bit at the idea of Allison loving him and went back to thinking about something.

I looked around his room and got up from his bed. I went to the window and looked out of it. I thought of Derek and how I was going to avenge his death. I felt my phone vibrate and took it out of my pocket thinking it might be one of my mates. But to my surprise, it was from my dad

Daddyo 🧑‍🍼👿 ❤: I went down to hell.

Daddyo 🧑‍🍼👿 ❤: He's not there.

Daddyo 🧑‍🍼👿 ❤: I'm gonna ask your uncle if he's up with my father

Daddyo 🧑‍🍼👿 ❤:  I know you're hurt my darling girl, I know it hurts okay? I just want you to stop hurting.

Daddyo 🧑‍🍼👿 ❤:  Don't do anything stupid like try to bring him back. You'll hurt yourself if you try. You could die.

Daddyo 🧑‍🍼👿 ❤: Don't do it Aurora.

I watched as his text kept flooding in, I read them one by one and wanted to cry.

If Derek wasn't in hell then he had to be in heaven right? But what if he isn't there? Then where would he be? Is he still alive? Is he on the other side stuck? I couldn't think about this anymore and shut my phone off. I saw a couple of people from school had texted me, Including Danny.

I felt Peter grab my arm gently, "Hey.. You okay?" He asked me with a sad kind of smile on his face.  "Yeah, I'm just thinking about Derek and if he's really dead or not" I told him kind of still lost in thought.

"I know I didn't know him and his death didn't really pain me as much as you, but for what it's worth, you're not alone in this. I hope you know that Rora." He told me before giving me the warmest hug I've ever received.

I felt my arm tingle and I guess Peter did too because he looked from his arm and looked back up at me. "Is that her?!" He asked me nervous and panicking.

"Yeah it is. Don't panic, she's going to love you Peter." I told him as if I wasn't nervous myself.

I heard a knock at the door which snapped me out of my panic trance. Peter yelled for them to come in and watched nervously and shaky as the door opened slowly

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