Chapter 12 (the party)

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A/N: lowkey forgot about the Mikaelson's so the next chapter will be about them and maybe them going through her memories.... What do you think WAIT BUT I WANT HER TO FIND NAT, LOKI, PETER AND MATT BEFORE THE MIKAELSONS FIND HER!!! Just to make the memories more... fun

                                                            Message from maybe Allison Argent

Maybe Allison Argent: Hey I don't know if I have the right number, but this is Allison from school and Lydia gave me your number

Aurora: Hi Allison! and yes you have the right number, Lydia told me she gave you my number, So what's up?

Maybe Allison Argent: I don't know my way around town, so I was hoping you show me around tomorrow?

Aurora: Sure thing!

Maybe Allison Argent: Great! That's all I needed to ask before I go to bed even tho it's only 5 pm

Aurora: Wait I was actually hoping I could take you to the party? I know it's a bit straight forward but I just has to ask you before it was too late

Maybe Allison Argent: I would really love that actually

Aurora: Great! I'm picking you up! just send me your address when you're done getting ready and I'll pick you up

Maybe Allison Argent: Perfect! Uh one thing. when does the party start?

Aurora: it starts at 9 so I'll pick you up around 8?

Maybe Allison Argent: that sounds perfect! See you then

Aurora: bye

Maybe Allison Argent: bye!!

Aurora changed 'maybe Allison Argent' to 'My Arrow 💘🏹'


Aurora's POV:

I was getting ready as my dad said he would bring the rest of the stuff up from the car cuz he doesn't want me and I quote "to look like a mess"

He's just saying that cuz he wants me to look PERFECT which I don't know why he's so worried about that. I think I'm pretty, not beautiful but also not ugly

When I woke up this morning Derek was gone but there was a note he left for me to read

It said

I went out to check on my house to see if the hunters were still there, I have to keep an eye on Scott so I'll see you later at the party. Love you, be safe my rose

I personally thought him drawing a heart was adorable but still kinda sad he left and wasn't there when I woke up

But right now it was 7:56 and I was on my way picking up Allison from her house

Wow time past quickly

I was almost there when I got a text from Derek

Der-bear🧸💗🐺: you almost at the party?

Rory💗😍: No, I'm picking up someone

Der-bear🧸💗🐺: who?! A boy?

Rory💗😍: No a girl dumbass, no need to get jealous. Well no need to right now

Der-bear🧸💗🐺: A girl? Good.


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