Chapter 13

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Third person POV

Aurora was running

She couldn't breathe as they were chasing her

She ran faster and jumped over a fence

The branches were hitting her on her face giving her deep cuts everywhere

"STOP!" She heard a deep voice yell

It sounded just like him

"PLEASE STOP AURORA!" Aurora heard her yell after he did

"LEAVE ME ALONE!" Aurora yelled back as she ran faster until she reached the hale house

"WE JUST WANT YOU TO COME HOME" She heard another female voice say

"THAT PLACE IS NOT MY HOME!" Aurora yelled running inside the burnt house looking for her mate

She couldn't find him so she ran through the back door and ran to the McCall house

But no one was there....

She ran to the stilinski house but again, no one was there....

Why was it so quiet.... Why isn't anyone here

Her eyes teared up as She looked for her brothers and her mates

Aurora ran out the house and ran to her's to look for her father

But when She reached the house he wasn't there...

"Dad?" She called out as tears ran down her face

"DAD?!" She called out

"DEREK?!" She screamed

"SCOTT?! STILES?!" She screamed louder

"ALLISON?" She screamed while sobbing harder

"Please... just stop just please stop..." She whispered as She sobbed harder

"Aurora?" She hear someone say

She slowly turned to look at whoever it was

When she turned around she saw a face she was relieved to see


Aurora woke up screaming and gasping for air while tears still stained her face

She heard someone run into the room and slam open the door

It was her dad

He ran to her and was holding her close to him while saying calming things so she could stop crying

"It was just a nightmare sweetheart, it was just a nightmare" Lucifer said while holding her

"It felt so real... why did it feel so real" she said crying more

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