Chapter 9(Derek hale)

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Aurora's POV:

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Aurora's POV:

As I went to more of my classes the school day was finally over! But of course I'm gonna watch lacrosse practice! Right after I find Lydia

"Aurora!" I heard someone yell my name


"There you are Lydia, I was looking for you but couldn't find you" I told her

"How the hell did you loose me? We had the same class" she said confused

"Yeah and I rushed out of it fast and when I noticed you weren't with me I went back for you but you were gone already" I explained

"Oh makes sense" she said with her adorable confused face

"Hey I heard we have a new student" She quickly got to that topic

"You got information about her?" Lydia asked

"Right! Yes she's in my English class. Her name is Allison Argent" I told her

"Good job" she said as we both fist bumped each other

We started looking around for my mate then suddenly I spotted her

"Over there" I told Lydia while pointing at the girl that was opening her locker

We walked up to her

"That jacket is absolutely killer" Lydia started. "Where'd you get it" she finished

Allison said something but I was too focused on her beauty to hear what she said

That was until... wait for it

"And you are my new best friend" Lydia said

"Wow Lydia I'm hurt you think so lowly of me" I said faking hurt

"Oh you know I didn't mean it like that" she said smiling until Jackson came and they started making out

'Ew' I thought.

"Get a room you two" I said with disgust

They stopped kissing as Lydia playfully glared at me then she turned to Allison's direction

"So this weekend there's a party" Lydia said

"A party" Allison said but it sounded more like a question

"Yeah Friday night, you should come" Jackson said

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