Chapter 21

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I see a text that lydia sent that I didn't notice.

'Um babes, yk that guy Derek you were telling me about? Yeah he's being wanted for murder' it read



Auroras POV:

I rereading the text Lydia sent me over and over again. It didn't feel real, my Derek was dead and now he's being wanted for murder?.

How the hell is that possible?


No they didn't.


I'm gonna kill Scott and Stiles. How do I know it's them you ask? I know my brothers better than anyone, including their parents somehow.

Well stiles is too smart for that, so it had to have been Scott. Scott doesn't like Derek, and neither does stiles so it could have been stiles.... No! Scott always comes up with something when he's being forced to talk! So it must have been Scott. Stiles always finds an excuse to avoid the conversation.

I noticed I got lost in my mind for a minute and texted Lydia back.

The hot red head🥵🌹: WHAT??

My side chick😩🍑: Yeah we all got trapped in the school and Scott told us it was Derek. Is this true?

The hot red head🥵🌹: Whatever Scott said isn't true lyds. Derek is dead, Scott and stiles watched him die so I don't know why Scott lied.

My side chick😩🍑: Yeah I'll go and believe you because he looked like he just said the first name that came to mind.

I shut my phone off and put it down. I sat down with my head in my hands trying to breathe

"Are you okay darling?" I heard Loki ask me. "Yeah I'm just in shock and a mix of other emotions that I don't like" I replied

"I um... I need someone to pick Allison up from the airport. Her plane should be landing in 30 minutes" I said. I couldn't pick her up because I knew I wasn't in my right mind.

"I'll do it" Nat said. "I'll go with her. Peter darling stay with our girl. We'll be back soon" Loki said. Him and Nat hugged me and walked out the room

Peter turned to look at me and frowned a bit. He bent to my level and kissed my head and sat down next to me

"You're going to be okay" He whispered kissing me head again and just staying there

I hugged Peter back holding in my tears.

How can he be gone? How can my Derek be gone.

I could've prevented this. I should've took him with me. I should've told him I was sorry and that I loved him.

"You want something to eat?" Peter asked me. "Yeah" I replied quietly. "You want fruits? Or do you want me to order something out?" He asked. "Fruits please. If you have watermelon and strawberries... they're my comfort fruits... and mango" I said

"Coming right up beautiful" he said kissing my head one more time before getting up and leaving.

I heard my phone ding and saw that it was Jack

Jack in the ass🥰👫: I know about Derek


Jack in the ass🥰👫: I told your dad already. He's going to find out who did it.

Fuck fuck fuck

Jack in the ass🥰👫: I know you see my texts tiny. I know you're hurt but you shouldn't be hurting alone

He sent a few more texts but I didn't look at them. I sat on the bed patiently waiting for Peter to come back

I also caught myself thinking of what my dad is going to do when he finds the alpha. He's probably gonna make the alpha relive their worst moments in their life....

And that's not fair.

'I wanted to do that' I thought to myself as I pouted a bit

I heard the door open and saw Peter walk in with a tray of fruits

I heard the door open and saw Peter walk in with a tray of fruits

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(Omg that looks so fucking good. I need it)

"I know you only said 3 things but Thor loves fruits so we had a lot more" he said putting it down on his desk and scratching the back of his neck.

"Thank you Peter" I said kissing him on his cheek. "I'm so glad I got to have you as one of my mates. So thoughtful and such a gentleman" I told him

He smiled brightly at me and turned back to the fruits. "So... which one do you want first?" He asked. "The watermelon. It looks so good" I replied, happy that I could eat fruit.

As I was about to grab the watermelon I heard my phone ding

'Again?' I thought while rolling my eyes

I went to my phone and it was Allison who texted me

From "My arrow 💘🏹": um there are 2 people here saying that they're here for me. One has long black hair and the other has red hair.

To "My arrow 💘🏹": That's Loki and Natasha. They're part of the avengers. I know you feel that connection towards them. It's okay, I told them to go get you

From "My arrow 💘🏹": ok I just got into the car

I shut my phone off a faced Peter. "Sorry that was Allison. You're gonna love her" I told him with a smile

"I can't wait" he smiled back and his eyes lit up like my dad whenever a new soul goes to hell



So Ik I said I would Update but your girl is lazy and sick 😪

The only reason I had time is because I'm sick and didn't go to school today.

I'm not gonna lie and say "I'm going to start updating more" and have my ass lyin to y'all 😪😪

But yeah I hope you enjoyed this chapter fr 🙏🏼🙏🏼 and this chapter is dedicated to the one and only


Have a good day, morning or night y'all!!!

Peace ✌🏼


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