Chapter 10

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"I am part of the supernatural" I told him

He stared at me in shock

"What are you then?" He asked

"Well I'm a-" I started
Aurora's POV:

"Well I'm a-" I started

But was cut off by hearing stiles yell my name

"Damn it" Derek muttered

"You have to go but when I see you again we'll finish this conversation" I told him

"Alright" he said as he went to go walk away but I stopped him

"Wait" I said

"What" he asked as he turned around

I walked up to him and gave him a kiss on his cheek

"I'll see you soon ok?" I told him

"Ok" he whispered a little shocked but walked away

I watched him walk away until I didn't see him figure anymore

"There you are" I heard stiles say running up to me

"Are you ok?" He asked concerned

"Yeah I'm fine" I told him

"Did you find your phone" he asked as he looked on the ground to see if it was there or if I had found it

"Yeah it was on the floor, must of dropped when we walked away" I told him which was a lie

He grabbed my hand gently and walked me back to the jeep

After the woods thing Stiles dropped me off at home then I got into my own car and drove to McDonald's to get a Big Mac and some large fries

And it was delicious

As I was eating I got a text from Lydia

(Lydia:My side chick😩🍑
Rory: the hot red head🥵🌹)

My side chick😩🍑: Rory have picked out an outfit for the party on Friday?

The hot red head🥵🌹:No not yet, I was hoping you could help with that?

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