Chapter 16

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(A little trigger warning!!⚠️ This chapter does mention of abuse!! And not you don't read the reader getting beaten! You read klaus threatening her but I still wanted to put a warning!!)


"What I'm about to tell you is something I've never told anyone before" She told him

"This is my... real life story"she continued

Peter looked interested as he looked at her with eager eyes

"This is the story about how my life turned into a fucking nightmare" she said "starting with my own biological father..." she continued


"Actually... I think it's better if I just show you" Aurora said

"How could you-" he started but was interrupted by Aurora grabbing him and pulling them both into her mind

Memory one

Aurora and Peter were standing there in one of her memories watching

"What is this place?" Peter asked looking around

"We're in my mind" she said like it was nothing with her hands behind her back

"How are we here?" He asked looking confused as hell

"I'll explain everything after. Just watch" she told him

5 year old Aurora was sitting down playing with Hope

"Are you done with Barbie? I want her next" Hope said while playing with another Barbie doll

"Yeah I'm done! Here" Aurora replied with as both her and Hope switched barbies

"Hey rora?" Hope said

"Yeah?" Aurora replied with

"Why do mommy and daddy treat you so mean?" Hope asked with a sad look

"I don't know... but as long as they love you then that's all I need to know to keep me calm" Rory told her

"What do you mean?" Hope asked confused

"Well I mean even tho they don't love me at least they love you which means they'll keep you safe no matter what" Aurora told her

Hope got up and hugged her sister

"I love you" Hope told her

"I love you too" Aurora replied hugging back

Peter and Aurora got sucked out of the memory

"What was that?" He asked

"A memory of me and my twin" she told him

She looked down for a bit which looked like she was searching for something

"What are you doing?" Peter asked

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