Chapter 15 (IN NEW YORRK)

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Third POV:

Aurora was sleeping and Jack was looking at her making sure she was alright

He had touched her by accident and went into her mind

He saw her in her nightmare

He didn't know how to tell her he saw her running away from the Mikaelsons

And he didn't plan on it

As the plane started landing and Jack shook her

"Tiny wake up" he said and shook her again

Aurora opened her eyes a little

"Hmm?" She hummed as she closed her eyes again

"We're landing, come on and wake up" He told her

"5 more minutes" she mumbled

"We don't have time for that, come on wake up and you can take a nap at the hotel" he told her

The plane landed and He got up when he heard it was safe for everyone to get up from their seats

Aurora rubbed her eyes and yawned

She got up from her seat and stretched a little

"Fine fine I'm up" she mumbled as she got her stuff from the top

When it was safe to leave the plan Aurora zoomed out of there

She does not like planes very much

Time skip to the hotel because I'm lazy and because I can

When they got to the hotel Aurora got a text from Peter

Peter❤️🖤 : Hey are you in New York yet?

Rory🖤🤍: yeah just got here. I'm at the hotel

Peter❤️🖤: Wanna meet up in a little. Yk to see if we're soulmates

Rory:🖤🤍: Yeah, where should we meet up?

Peter❤️🖤: I know this cafe close to the Avenger tower. It's not hard to miss as it's right across from it

Rory🖤🤍: Alright!  Uh what time should we meet up?

Peter❤️🖤: At 5 O'clock

Rory🖤🤍: Alright! See you in an hour

When they were done chatting Aurora jumped off the bed and ran to the bathroom to get ready

She was excited

'What if he really is one of my soulmates' she thought to herself

Jack had left to get some stuff or whatever he said to her

She put on a cute but comfortable outfit

She put on a cute but comfortable outfit

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