Chapter 18(Mikaelsons)

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A the Mikaelson compound

Hope's POV

I was working on a painting of Aurora that I made a couple years ago that I never got to finish

Yes, my father loves me but when aurora was here that's when I was painting this picture. So, when he saw me painting her, he grabbed it and destroyed it

The was the day my father ever laid a hand on me

He slapped me across the face and told me that she was an abomination and wasn't supposed to be in this world. and that I shouldn't waste my paint on her.

I cried for at least 2 hours because I now knew what rora had felt when he yelled at her and hit her.

I was scared of him hitting me again so I hid all my paintings in a box in the attic with a spell on it so no one can open it except me.

I was about to paint the rest of her eye and finish until I heard footsteps coming close to my room

I grabbed the painting and put a spell over it making it seem like a painting of the sky

I heard someone knock at my door and I opened it

It was my dad

"You ready to go? We're gonna get some ice scream" He said smiling a bit

After my outburst he's been calm with me. So has the rest of the family

"Uh sure, let me grab my jacket"I said going to my closet and grabbing my jacket

I left my room and followed him downstairs

The rest of the family were there in a circle.

"What's going on?" I asked confused

I thought we were going to get ice scream? Why the hell were they all in a circle

"We're trying to track down Kol and Davina" Dad said

"Why?" I asked

"Because they're the only ones that know where Aurora is" He told me

"What about the ice cream tho?" I asked confused

"He just said that to get you down here" Rebekah said

These mother fuckers

"What the hell? You couldn't just ask me like adults? You had to lie about it? You guys are ridiculous" I said chuckling while holding my head

"We need your help. If we can't contact them we can find Aurora by you. You guys are twins and are connected" Elijah told me

"Yeah I get you guys just want to find her to torment her again but I'm not helping you with this shit." I said angrily

"Watch your language" Elijah said

"Or what? You gonna hit me? Grow the fuck up Elijah and learn when someone wants to be left alone" I told him fed up with his bullshit

"You respect your uncle hope!" Dad yelled at me

"Like you should've respected your daughter instead of putting your fucking hand in her chest?!" I yelled back at him talking about the time he almost killed rora

"That was an accident!" He yelled

"Yeah everything you did to her yo say is an accident! Grow up Niklaus or she will find you and hunt you down the same way your dad did" I told him smiling

"Don't you dare talk to me like that! I am your father!" He yelled

"And how the bloody hell would you know that she would do such a thing?" He asked

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