Chapter 20

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Roras Pov:

I just got off the phone with Allison.

I explained as much as I could to her, I told her when I see her, I would be able to show her.

So, she came up with the great idea to come to New York. I told her not to but there was no convincing her not to come.

And plus, I guess it would be better for her to be here since it's safer than her over there with the Alpha on the loose.

I cried, a lot after what I saw.

He died. Derek died and he died thinking I probably hated him,

But I don't, trust me I don't.

I also got pulled into another vision after I saw Derek get killed.

Hope is the one who pulled me into it

She said the bracelet turned into this weird red and black color.

Right now I'm sitting on Peters bed with a blanket around me and Nat holding me in her arms trying to comfort me.

She said she was hurt too, but she hadn't met him yet so it doesn't hurt her as much as it hurts me

I'm in pain, and not only mentally but physically

I have bandages on my stomach and back to stop the bleeding for when the alpha stabbed Derek

I'm guessing Allison probably has the marks too.

"Are you sure you're ok?" Peter asked after he stopped pacing back and forth

"Yeah Pete, I'm fine" I replied. I don't know if I was trying to convince him or myself, or both.

"Your bath is ready darling" Loki said coming out of the bathroom

"Guys. Seriously I'm fine" I said a little louder

"It's okay not to be fine" Peter said in a soft tone

"I know" I said as I was trying to hold a sob in

"Shhh. It's okay, it's okay.." Nat said hugging me tighter

"It's my fault" I said as tears came out of my eyes and rolled down my face

"Why would you say such a thing darling?" Loki said coming towards me and sitting next to me

"I should've stayed." I started. "If I never left, I probably would've been with him and could've stopped this" I finished,crying harder

"And he died thinking I hated him. But I don't" I said. "I love him" I whispered

"I know you do. And if we were to meet him, we would probably love him too." Peter said

"Listen I knew these 2 guys-" Peter started but was interrupted by my phone ringing

I looked down at it and it was Jack

"Fuck!" I yelled realizing I forgot that Jack also went with me

I excused myself and picked up the phone

"Hello?" I said

"Fucking finally tiny. I've been texting you, have you not got them?" He said

I went onto messages and saw all the texts he sent me

"Now I do...." I said sheepishly

"All 43 of them" I said looking down in embarrassment even tho he can't see me

"Yeah, that's how worried I was" "where are you?." he said

"This is gonna be hard to explain... but I'm with my soulmates" I said sheepishly again

"WHAT?!" He screamed so loud I had to move the phone away from my ear

I put the phone back to my ear and explained everything to him

Welllll not everything, but he doesn't need to know about the Derek situation

Then he'll want to call dad. Dad would come all the way over here to New York, and raise hell

And probably kill the alpha, but I don't want him too.

Because I want to do it

And I'll make sure to do it slowly so he can feel every single thing

Maybe I'll start with his fingers. Cut them off, one by one.

Me and Jack finished the conversation and I went back inside the room

I saw Loki smiling and Nat and Peter looking confused why he's smirking

'I love the way you think darling. I'll help'

'Stay out of my mind loki'

'Sorry, sorry' he said smirking

"What happened" Peter said coming to hug me

"It was Jack, my brother" I said

"I didn't know you had a brother" Nat said

"He's not actually my brother. But we don't have to be blood to be siblings" I said looking down at my phone to see if Scott or stiles called or texted

I see a text that lydia sent that I didn't notice

'Um... babes, yk that guy Derek you were telling me about? Yeah he's being wanted for murder' it read



Hiii.... Ok so ik I've been gone for like a really long time. But I've been dealing with alot of shit

School isn't helping either

By the way! Happy new year!

Anyways I made a new book cover for the book, how do y'all like it?

The next chapter will also be more interesting because she may or may not be meeting Matty

Also Allison is coming in the next chapter too

This chapter sucked and wasn't as interesting because I'm writing this while watching the arrow and you have no idea how many times I wanted to write "Oliver said" instead of Peter and Loki💀

The Mikaelsons will also be coming soon.... And hope will too

She's gonna try to stop them, I promise

As always, this chapter is dedicated toooo drum roll pleaseeeeee


Have a good night/evening or morning.

Love you!

Peace- Aniya❤️

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