High amongst the morning empyrean, not a cloud in sight stains its clear-blue beauty. Although there is one stain in sight -- a Nightmare, shown to be soaring over a desert landscape. The Nightmare appears to be a large manta ray-like creature, possessing a set of pods under its fins. It's currently using said pods as turbine engines, allowing it to maintain flight.
Scouring the skies, it soon spots something far in the distance. An airplane flying North-eastward, possibly heading overseas. Despite its intention to just pass by, the JetRay Nightmare doesn't take too kindly to strangers in its territory. And so it sneers right at it with an intention of its own.
Accelerating to higher speeds, the creature approaches the plane from behind, prepared for a rear-end collision. However, before it even gets the chance to touch the plane, something else touches it instead. That being a black Ida sword thrown straight into its left eye. The ray lets out a screech of pain as it stops on a dime. As for the plane, emerging from the tail end (via its reflection) is MirriM -- who's shown to be hanging on by quite the thread.
MirriM Black: (aloud) Hey, thanks for catching my sword!
You're a far cry from welcome, pal. Regardless, MirriM easily gets its attention, prompting the agitated beast to charge over to him. This is where he gets off, letting go of the airplane and commencing freefall. Looks like it gets to fly another day, as the JetRay Nightmare dives down straight towards its new target.
With tremendous speed, it's seconds away from ramming straight into MirriM -- if not straight through him. But just as soon as the gap closes between them, MirriM White grabs his hilt for a horn, and unveils his own Ida right out of his skull. Not wanting it to feel left out, he drives it straight into the ray's right eye. Now they match.
The JetRay Nightmare screeches in pain once more, all while MirriM mounts himself right onto its back. The blinded ray starts trying to shake the swords out of its sockets, as well as shake their wielder of its back. MirriM however holds tight onto both Idas, keeping himself latched on like a hook. And even when the swords start to loosen, he makes sure to push them deeper inside than before.
This only enrages the ray even more, causing it to switch from shaking about to flying about. This time, it does so at insane speeds, blitzing aimlessly through the skies in various directions. The JetRay Nightmare then flies in a b-line direction, gaining more and more momentum with each second. MirriM however still remains latched onto his prey.
MirriM Black: [eye closed] Woohoooo!!!
MirriM White: [eye squinted]... [soon spots a bright object far in the distance]... What the-
Before he could make out what it is, their ride is soon cut short. The flying ray makes a sharp stop, causing MirriM to be propelled forward from the inertia. Not only does this get him off its back, but due to his persistent grip, both swords get pulled out of its sockets as well. Though stripped of sight, the Nightmare's still able to hear MirriM's screaming descent, bringing it some relief. However, the ray probably still needed it, as it immediately comes into contact with something.
No, it's not another airplane -- the ray wishes it was. Instead, it's a large beam of orange plasma -- having originated far, far away from here. It envelops the JetRay Nightmare in its entirety, leaving little to no trace of its existence. Until it either hits something much larger, or is no longer able to sustain its form, the plasma beam continues its aimless journey.
Although the other Nightmare was spared, he's just a few minutes away from a rough reunion with the sand. However, as MirriM quickly regains some balance, he uses both Ida swords to perform a rather peculiar skydiving trick. His arms raise outward, and his torso twists counter-clockwise. He begins twirling himself over and over, gradually picking up speed in order to become a living cyclone. This results in his hard fall adjusting into a floating descent, like a maple seed spiraling safely down from its tree.

The Roaming Storm
AdventureThe Roaming Storm is an homage/parody of the multimedia franchise Sonic the Hedgehog. As such, our story begins on Planet Immobi; A wicked, wild world home to anthropomorphic fauna of all forms. Among these "Immobians" are two 19-year-old adventurer...