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Well -- more specifically...



1.) Trip to Nigeria:

African / Afro-Eurasian Culture


2.) Animal Documentaries:

Nat Geo Wild

Animal Planet

BBC Earth

3.) Scrapped Idea:

"Zoomzy" (more on that soon)

4.) Anime:

Hunter x Hunter

5.) Cartoon:

Regular Show

6.) Multimedia:

Sonic the Hedgehog


In terms of setting, the continent of Africa serves as a recurring location throughout the series -- given it's where the main cast resides. This was inspired by my own childhood experiences from spending summer vacation in Nigeria -- the birth country of my parents. Because of that, it gets some of its influence from African culture -- as well as various other cultures that make up the Old World (aka Afro-Eurasia). This includes Animism; the belief that creatures, objects, and places all have a distinct spiritual essence. Due to my interest in wildlife, brought upon by various animal documentaries, I find it intriguing that animals could be able to "feel" just like humans can. So when developing this fictional world, I figured that they could "act" like humans as well. This is one of the reasons why I made the world be run by anthropomorphic animals.

In regards to the conception of the duo, the following occurred: When coming up with the main protagonist, I wanted to make him an animal that could easily stand out compared to other anthro characters. Looking back at scrapped ideas I had for a different story (which was a lot more episodic and comedy-driven) I took interest in one particular creation. The character was named Zoomzy, a young cheetah who was the best friend / sidekick of a fox protagonist. Reworking him to take center stage, he would instead be an aged-up adventurer. Just a guy who enjoys travelling from here to there, and going hella fast while doing so.

Initially it was just regular super speed, as expected for a cheetah. But after some thinking, I decided to give him a source of even greater speed; That being electricity. On top of moving extremely fast, he can also pull off a wide array of tricks to go with it. This was done to emphasize the bizarreness of the world he inhabits -- hence the new name, Umeme (which is Swahili for lightning). Speaking of which, the series' worldbuilding takes plenty influence from Hunter x Hunter (2011). Much like the anime, I want this story to convey a strong sense of adventure -- a strive to not stay in one place for too long. So despite the de facto African setting, my intent is to focus on the overall planet that is Immobi -- not just one continent.

It was originally just Umeme, who went through many different name changes, such as Ace, Cody, Chase, Lightning, and... Lytning. (Yeah, not exactly my proudest change). I eventually gave him a sidekick of his own, that being a wolverine soldier who was cast out by his wolf commander. However -- somewhere later down the line, I decided that Umeme should instead have a close friend / rival. Someone who's an equal in his abilities, but contrasts him in both personality and technique. With that put into consideration, I made the second main character a peregrine falcon. The world's fastest flyer -- as opposed to the world's fastest runner.

Much like Umeme, Radi (Swahili for thunder) also went through multiple name changes. With the following being: Boomer, Skylert, and Thunder. Though unlike Umeme, who is good-sported, quick witted, and impatient, Radi is cocky, impulsive, and easygoing -- thus establishing their relationship as rather dynamic. In fact, said dynamic takes influence from Mordecai and Rigby from Cartoon Network's Regular Show.

Alright, enough stalling. I'm well aware that the concept of Roaming Storm shares various similarities with Sonic the Hedgehog, coincidental or otherwise. In fact -- compared to the previous stuff I mentioned, I honestly received the most influence from Sonic. Whenever I think of speed and adventure, the first thing that comes to mind is -- well, who else but the fastest thing alive?

While we're on the subject, I might as well address my status as a fan. Regarding the games, I'm more or less on the fence. Me and my brothers grew up mostly on Sonic games -- but I remember usually just watching them play, rather than playing them myself. As for other forms of Sonic media, I found the AOSTH cartoon and Fleetway comics to be personally more engaging. Preference aside, I drew inspiration from multiple games, shows, comics, dope ass music, and more. Paying homage however I can, while poking some harmless fun along the way.

(Also side note, and to anyone wondering; I had the whole electro-speed concept planned out during high school, a few years before the first Sonic Movie trailer came out. You know the one -- and if not, lucky you. I was a freshman in college by then, so you can only imagine how me and my classmates reacted. Our teacher included).

Even the design of the characters grew to become loosely inspired by the Sonic Adventure art style. Back when I was in middle school, my earliest designs of the two protagonists were -- no joke -- mistaken for a species swap of Mordecai and Rigby. That certainly speaks volumes as to how much their look has evolved over the years. Same goes for the other characters, most of whom had their fair share of background revisions.

And speaking of revisions, here's a list of scrapped ideas I had for the series' title:

1.) Chase & Skylert

2.) Safari Speedsters

3.) Lytning and Thunder (again, I'm sorry)

I eventually landed on "Roaming Storm" (with the word "The" added much later) as a definitive title. Would've settled on "Passing Storm", but that's already been taken. ... A lot. Regardless, I had finally found a name that sat just right with me. Not only does it represent the two sparking speedsters (in more ways than one) but it also extends beyond just them. Reason being -- a storm alone can symbolize many different things...

Chaos, Uncertainty

Power, Conflict

Passion, Emotion

Change, Transformation

etc, etc.

So by that logic, seems Umeme and Radi aren't the only storm roaming this crazy world I brewed up.

(Plus you can't spell "The Roaming Storm" without "nightmare". Otherwise you'd just be left with "moToRS").

Anyway, I think I've prattled on long enough. I've still got quite a longer road ahead. And with this much material to work with, I'm keen to see where it all leads. Oh -- and to anyone reading this, thanks again for making it this far. Feel free to stick around for the ride if you want. (Seatbelts not included).

- Uchenna Erechukwu

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⏰ Last updated: 7 days ago ⏰

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